Recording video in Teensy


I need to record a 2 3 min video in Full HD or at least HD with a Teensy because I have low power requirements. I've seen ArduCam cameras and I'm wondering if I'm able to use one of these. I don't need to process the video in real time, just saving it in a SD is enough. Can I do it with a Teensy? And if so, how can I?
I suspect the Teensy just does not have to power to record Full HD by reading the camera and writing to the SD card. Maybe it can handle it, but I have my doubts. But an Arduocam does have a 2MP sensor and evidently you can control it from an ESP32 with an open source API. So in theory a Teensy 4.1 should handle it. IIRC, the Teensy 4.x is not as low power as the Teensy 3.x was, so you might want to make sure a Teensy will fit in your power budget.

Here are Aducams from Amazon:
Though it may be simpler to get an ESP32 package with a camera already installed (note Amazon does say these are frequently returned, so be sure to read the reviews):
You might want to look into a spy/nanny camera that can record Full HD to a SD card, and have the Teensy use a MOSFIT or power relay to control power to the spy camera when you want to record.

Now most of them seem to have internal batteries, but perhaps there are ones that do not have a battery so you can control whether it starts and stops. Alternatively, you could rig up a servo to press the on/off button, or rewire the on/off button to be attached to an optocoupler. Cutting out the internal battery might also be an option. Some have wifi support, but that is probably a lot of work to control it from the Teensy.
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Ok, I see. I think I'm gonna buy the AMB82, a microcontroller that has a full HD 30 fps camera, and I'll control by a digital output from teensy. I thought that teensy could handle it well, but doesn't matter. I think for a (long long) future, a Teensy with a possible camera expansion port or something like that would be very interesting. Thanks a lot btw, I appreciate it.
The Teensy does have a CSI peripheral, but not many of the pins for it are broken out as I/O pins. Alternatively you could connect it to a FlexIO port and access it that way but it requires a fair bit of coding work.
Ok, I see. I think I'm gonna buy the AMB82, a microcontroller that has a full HD 30 fps camera, and I'll control by a digital output from teensy. I thought that teensy could handle it well, but doesn't matter. I think for a (long long) future, a Teensy with a possible camera expansion port or something like that would be very interesting. Thanks a lot btw, I appreciate it.
Well maybe it can handle it, maybe not. But I suspect it may be a lot of work. If you aren't interested in doing the work and learning stuff, etc. it may be better to buy something off the shelf that already has most of the functionality you want.
The original idea was that teensy handled camera and compress the file using any codec (h.264 I think would work), in order to send it by RF to a receiver from 5Km away (all this in live), but it was a madness, so by now I'm just happy with saving the video. I didn't find a transciever with sufficient data rate.