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  1. R

    Teensy Joystick HID and encoder assign to buttons

    I may as well follow the trend I probably set way back then. Your serial monitor output suggests you rolled the encoder about four clicks each way up to a couple of times and then ended by rolling the encoder in a single direction several times in a row. Did any of you guys solve this...
  2. R

    How can I default an output pin to high immediately when power is applied?

    In AVR stuff you could set the exerted pin state (low or high) before selecting exertion (pinmode OUTPUT) - I wonder if 'pinMode' clears the state if you digitalwrite[fast] a high and then set the pinMode? Pity if so - I can't check right now; I usually want the reset to occur, they are usually...
  3. R

    Curious stuff about the Flex Timer Module in Teensy 3.x (3.1 at least)

    When I initially wrote it I thought that testing and debugging would corner me into disabling interrupts and storing mTimer.value, to return with after re-enabling interrupts, but it never became an issue due to what I did with the returned values; taken as a group of 8 samples, find samples...
  4. R

    Curious stuff about the Flex Timer Module in Teensy 3.x (3.1 at least)

    It is a while since I touched this much, I have lifted it out of a complete program which I am not at liberty to share in whole and I haven't tried to compile this copy so I apologise if it isn't as intact and complete an example as I hope to be posting you; typedef union { uint32_t value...
  5. R

    LC Doesn't Repond to Reset Button

    Unless I have missed something about the LC; that is not a reset button, it is a reprogram button and when you press it the LC will go into a non-responsive looking mode until either the teensy loader program sends it a nice batch of code or until the power to the unit is cycled. I wouldn't...
  6. R

    UART Test using example code.

    expected: Serial device (including, certainly not limited to, another Teensy) connected to the appropriate pins on Teensy AND transmitting appropriately.
  7. R

    Joystick analog value too high

    Try connecting the module's '5V' pin to the 3.3V pin on the Teensy LC instead - this should bring the 'resting' reading much closer to 511, the 'minimum' figure will very likely reduce but it should already be capable of a zero reading even using 5V on a 3.3V ADC. Makes me suspicious of the pots...
  8. R

    Teensy 3.2: external power

    while (!Serial) ; waiting for a serial connection. Won't happen without connecting to PC via USB. Look at post #4 by defragster a bit longer.
  9. R

    teensy audio board i2c question

    sorry, had a squiz at the circuit and just did not look at those (glaringly obvious) 2k2 resistors clear as crystal on the schematic - that I2C library enables the pullups on the I2C pins on the MCU tho doesn't it?
  10. R

    teensy audio board i2c question

    The I2C library uses the internal pull-ups in Teensy's processor - effectively plug and play.
  11. R

    Serial port behaviour with delay() on Teensy LC

    My LC, one of the first batch afaik, ran your sketch with expected result; sequentially every 1/4 second no misses - maybe your LC is defective?
  12. R

    Upload Hex file from Teensy 3.1 All in Frank's library for a while now...
  13. R

    Audio Library

    Hey nhk, I have an old pull request in on Paul's work on github that does that, you might be able to find it, might even be able to egg Paul into accepting it although it would probably be a bigger pita to him now that it has aged somewhat. I made an object for noise canceling purpose that may...
  14. R

    variable I2S master clock (and sampling) frequency

    Are you still subscribed to this thread kpc? I hope you are well. I also hope I can be forgiven for being basically completely off topic here. Drop us a line mate. I am not the only one who misses you around here.
  15. R

    Last of my public apologies, pretty sure.

    lol, good one mate - I can access my cats, and other peoples dogs, easier than a bunyip so I will hug my cats and tell them that you love them ;) (:p) Thanks for playing :D I might have an email address for KPC, if I do I will flick off an email very much hoping for a reply... I've been...
  16. R

    Last of my public apologies, pretty sure.

    Go figure that seemingly half of my top ten favorite posters here decide to reassure, as publicly as I decided to make attempt to apologise, me so kindly :D Thanks guys, I am very glad to (at least virtually) know you all indeed. Including you folk who merely read and smiled and made no further...
  17. R

    Last of my public apologies, pretty sure.

    hmmm. OK. Clearly I done it wrong then - the fact that I feel strong enough to apologise is (imho, at least) fair indicator that I am practically completely recovered from whatever detailed description I could give of what was not OK for me. (facepalm) re-reading this one I sense it isn't good...
  18. R

    Last of my public apologies, pretty sure.

    EDIT: Sorry, below is obviously not well written - I am OK, if I was still at my weakest I would still just be staying away (basically). - BUT, thanks for being concerned; honestly - I have been well taken care of and have barely suffered even a little aside from embarrassment and a tiny little...
  19. R

    Audio library: co-existence of a waveform synthesis object and an FFT object

    oh, just noticed that I managed to link the same page twice, I was trying to link the two I linked and the GUI:
  20. R

    Audio library: co-existence of a waveform synthesis object and an FFT object

    I had a flick through the obvious places for this to be stated ( ) and have to admit that it isn't explicitly stated (that I spotted for...
  21. R

    Uninstall windows driver

    Yeah, when I say nuke like that I do mean your interpretation - it may be that the uninstall option is there, it may only be offering 'remove' or similar; take the strongest form you can find (uninstall should be strongest, but if remove is best offer it should suffice).
  22. R

    Uninstall windows driver

    While a Teensy is plugged in you may be able to nuke the driver in 'Device Manager'; if you can boot into safe mode and access the device manager you may be able to find and nuke it without having to plug a Teensy in. If neither of those work you can take the risk which is messing with the...
  23. R

    Need help programming Teensy 2.0 for digital arcade stick

    It won't have less lag no matter how well you cut out the keyboard and mouse stuff mate - no quicker will it anything about it be.
  24. R

    Need help programming Teensy 2.0 for digital arcade stick

    You should not have to go to HID level if all you are really doing is a reasonably straightforward joystick - Tools->USB Type->*Pick one with Joystick* Beauty of "Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick" is that you can have a variety more controls on your joystick and have them drive keyboard and mouse...
  25. R

    midi to usb interfase

    Did you try just compiling GGmmGG's sketch above and testing that? If so I am reasonably convinced that your wiring must be a little off or something. Your post does not indicate that you are talking about the result of trying GGmmGG's code.
  26. R

    midi to usb interfase

    Good on you GGmmGG, very sporting of you indeed :)
  27. R

    USB serial to Teensy flash to I2C EEPROM?

    Realterm has functionality to send 'any file' over any serial connection you establish with it, assuming you can stand to use Windows coz I haven't seen a Linux port; should probably admit that I haven't tried to find it for Linux because practically everything I've ever actually done with it...
  28. R

    midi to usb interfase

    1) looks like you just 'shoved' a series of usbMIDI send commands into your sketch, just after the loop() function - if you move them into the loop function it may compile but it will still fail. 2) If I tackled this I would write it as event (callbacks!) driven and I'd probably try to cater it...
  29. R

    Quick Question about External Power For Teensy++ 2.0

    If you promise yourself that Teensy will never ever be connected to both simultaneously (not even accidentally when you have been drinking or something) then you can probably get away with leaving the pad uncut - if there is even the slightest chance that ANYBODY might accidentally connect both...
  30. R

    Teensy audio board as a soundbank organ keyboard

    I think I might Paul; I suppose just my guess being that what LERAY is asking is for somebody to modify play_sd_wav.cpp/h not only enough to allow starting playback at a given time position in the file but also to be able to specify a duration with either terminate or loop to previously given...
  31. R

    How to wire reset switch

    Yes, just the momentary pushbutton connection to ground is all you need to add to have 'reset' functionality in your project. by memory the bootloader chip is using an internal pull-up on the reset line but this memory is probably flawed - doesn't matter either way, in the overall design...
  32. R

    Problem getting FFT to work (though it worked earlier this week)

    You can check 'Thread Tools', towards right of light grey bar just under the main thread title, for 'mark thread as solved' (or some similar) and click it if it is there in the installation of this forum
  33. R

    Powering teensy for portable projects?

    You need to tie their grounds together if they connect in any other way - the only way you can dodge connecting their grounds, if you want them to communicate with each other, is if you use proper isolation.
  34. R

    what are the pads under teensy 3.1 board?

    I can't see where this got corrected so I better correct myself this time: Pulling reset low halts the processor, releasing (or driving back high) the reset line will cause the processor to restart.
  35. R

    what are the pads under teensy 3.1 board?

    Answering #2 first: Provided you connect correctly, yes, you can wire your own USB connection using those pads. Pretty sure 5th line is effectively for (at least simile of) chassis GND but I should probably review the schematic in question, maybe even consult my favourite EE, before saying that...
  36. R

    Problem getting FFT to work (though it worked earlier this week)

    lol, I spose I type too fast: I just type CODE HERE and, for anyone interested, I get the PHP to ignore it by wrapping the whole thing with [noparse] pseudo-tags (an unmatched tag will just display but to show the closing tag noparse is required).
  37. R

    Teensy audio board as a soundbank organ keyboard

    What I asked you to do in my previous post would establish that your Teensy is functional, executing the sketch, and still able to communicate via USB - keeping it connected to everything you currently have it connected to would make this test more relevant; adding a little to your loop instead...
  38. R

    teensy 3.1 with adafruit ultimate gps sending info via udp packet

    This question will attract better answers if you specify which wifi or ethernet device/module you are going to use to communicate via a network like that.
  39. R

    Teensy audio board as a soundbank organ keyboard

    Good to see I am not the only one who misses relevant details in such posts, so, it works fine with an example, good. I reformatted your code to make it easier to hand parse - would you remove your micro SD card from the holder and run your sketch please? Interest being; do you see the "Unable...
  40. R

    Need to make a Teensy do this, how?

    @mxxx: I was talking about the field of amplifying signals and I was probably being silly (hardly a 'first time' if so) - just the DC blocking capacitor and a little other mitigation and it is probably safe as houses to use an opamp instead of a pair of opposingly matched transistors set up in...
  41. R

    Losing data with bi-directional USB Serial communication (Teensy 3.1)

    I'll apologise I didn't read your post well enough to go ahead and try a reply; PC side you have far greater speed and very likely much bigger buffers, Teensy side it isn't wise to rely very much on the buffers at all - as part of my apology I wrote you the following for Teensy side; if you make...
  42. R

    Losing data with bi-directional USB Serial communication (Teensy 3.1)

    if you break the larger data into 588 (reasonably) equal packets and then PC sends 1 byte of data to Teensy and Teensy responds with 192K/588 bytes back and when PC has those it sends the 1 byte 'request' again - PC remains in charge of the conversation at all times, conversation is reciprocal...
  43. R

    Need to make a Teensy do this, how?

    Opamp based circuits have a problem in this field as far as I am concerned: All too easy to get the big voltage(s) all the way back to the MCU (mitigating this is more actives than should be needed for actual purpose imho), much less likely with a well chosen pair of transistors of opposite...
  44. R

    guidance for a mouse

    Very welcome. Re: Mouse movement speed; In the last batch of code look forint responseDelay = 20; // response delay of the mouse, in ms // I made responseDelay bigger, maybe I should not have, try other values till you like movement of mouse for thumbstick - Rob.Make responseDelay...
  45. R

    Teensy2 Not Working w/ Some MIDI Interfaces

    It will probably help whoever is going to end up helping you the most with this if you post the batch of code you are compiling for this and if you have wired any connections on Teensy (not just USB MIDI after all, for example) then pictures of your wiring will help alleviate some questions like...
  46. R

    Need to make a Teensy do this, how?

    A reasonably basic class B amplifier ( ) circuit can be deployed to boost Teensy 3.1 0V to 3.3V DAC output to -10V to +10V range but you have problems; only 1 DAC on Teensy 3.1 and when you find satisfactory way to add 5 more DACs you need...
  47. R

    guidance for a mouse

    Try this; whether or not it does any nearer what you want, I am very tempted to write a complete sketch up for you to play with.#include <Bounce.h> /// Define Pins const int startEmulation = 2; // switch to turn on and off mouse emulation...
  48. R

    guidance for a mouse

    This is not directly compilable and I have not followed all your names nor used your readAxis function but I think this will give you more desirable control over the mouse cursor using the stick. elapsedMillis timeThis; loop() { if(timeThis>29) { timeThis=0; int16_t...
  49. R

    Major Micro SD Weirdness w/ Teensy3.0

    OK, so it is Adafruit's example. Open Arduino (which has been 'fitted' with a recent Teensyduino) and go to "File->Examples->ILI9341_T3" to find the example again but this time using a version of the library that has been optimised for Teensy 3.x The micro SD slot on the ILI9341 display (which...
  50. R

    Major Micro SD Weirdness w/ Teensy3.0

    Is this happening with code you wrote? An example? Being that I cannot see the code I am going to conclude that there must be a mistake in the code. Did you notice the forum rule above?