Any chance for a real debugger interface in Teensy 3.1++?


Senior Member+
I happened to be browsing for new things, and I ran across this open-source (at least mostly, there is one part that isn't open source) debugger chip for various ARM processors, and noticed that the MK20DX50 is supported, presumably similar to the MK20DX256 in the Teensy 3.1.

While debugging via Serial print statements and LEDs is ok (hey, it reminds me of when I started computing in the 1970's when we did stuff batch programming on cards, submitted the job deck, and then we would pore over the output the next day), it would be nice at times just to fire up gdb to debug the program, look at variables, etc.

I'm wondering whether a future version of Teensy 3.x (3.1++ or 3.2) might have support for something like the above debug chip?
+1 for a real breakpoint debugger! With flash breakpoints like Segger's J-Link used with Eclipse, IAR, Keil, et al.