Teensy CLI loader with Teensy 3.1


Active member
Just wondering, the CLI loader only appears to understand the MCUs "at90usb162", "atmega32u4", "at90usb646", "at90usb1286" and "mk20dx128". But isn't Teensy 3.1 using mk20dx256? Is the program out of date or am I misunderstanding?
Aha, thanks.

I'm trying now to build gcc for the Teensy 3.1 so I can compile for it and do everything from the command line, without using that buggy Arduino IDE that doesn't want to resize its window. Is there any information on that? I've followed instructions found on Google to build gcc and binutils but only run into a problem that nobody else seems to have had: "BFD does not support target arm-none-eabi."