Teensy 3.1 and DmxSimple issues

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I am using a Teensy 3.1 sending DMX data on TX2(pin10) to a MAX481 connected to a series of DMX RGB pixels. (Teensy3.1 pin 10 -> Max481 -> Pixels with 120 ohm resistor between differential signals)

I am experiencing two issues:
1. I could only control the first 128 channels. I resolved this by commenting out the RAMEND check in the DmxSimple.h file and forcing it to assume 512 channels. I assume there is a cleaner way to do this.

2. Periodically a DmxSimple.write command seems to either be missed, or be delayed. I am experiencing random flashes of other colors. My actual sketch is much more complicated than this, but I broke it down to the simplest sketch where the issue is present for posting here. The more pixels I add the more prevalent the issue. My actual sketch is a series of chases, and the issue is very prevalent.
The below sketch simple alternates between all channels on and all off.

Note: i just ran the identical sketch on an UNO and it does occur, but much less frequently.

I'm sure this is a DmxSimple issue but hoping someone here has some experience with it and can suggest a way to minimize this effect.

I've posted a video at: http://vimeo.com/109394980
note in the video when you go frame by frame it seems that the issue occurs when setting the channels to 0 as it appears to be as they are going off.

#include <DmxSimple.h>
int univ_1_pin=10;   //Teensy3.1 TX2 pin
int speed=600;        //delay between loops
int maxchannel=252;

void setup() {
  int j;
  //blank all pixels before starting
  DmxSimple.usePin(univ_1_pin);        //set output to universe 1
  for (j=1; j<=maxchannel; j++) {
    DmxSimple.write(j, 0);  //write the values out to the pixels

void loop() {
  int i;
// turn all pixels off
  for (i=1; i<=maxchannel; i++) {
    DmxSimple.write(i, 0);
  delay(speed);  //modify speed variable to change how fast the sequence runs
// turn all pixels on
  for (i=1; i<=maxchannel; i++) {
    DmxSimple.write(i, 10);
  delay(speed);  //modify speed variable to change how fast the sequence runs

I've been watching the issue for a while and it seems to be less random than I thought. The "bad" pixel seems to repeat several times on the same pixel, go away.. appear on another.. and some time later come back to the same pixel that was bad the first time. Only several pixels will act this way.
I've thoroughly checked the pixels by driving them with Madrix and other DMX sources and cannot replicate the issue with any other hardware/software.
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