Teensy 3.1 USB packet size

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Is it possible to have the Teensy 3.1 deliver a packet size other than 64 bytes?

Ideally I would like to test a much larger packet size of 12008 bytes to simulate another USB device

I haven't found a means to modify the packet size though

Anyone had any luck doing this?
The USB standard specifies 64 bytes as the maximum packet size, with 12 Mbit/sec "full speed".


(chapter 5 would be the best place to read, for data flow info)

Ideally I would like to test a much larger packet size of 12008 bytes to simulate another USB device

No USB device could use such a large packet size. It simply is not supported by any USB hardware.

Even at 480 MBit/sec, the maximum packet size is 512 bytes.
thanks paul

thats very useful info

this usb stuff is a bit new to me and maybe i have my terminology wrong

would it make more sense for me to talk of a bulk transfer of 12008 bytes?

I know that we have a piece of hardware from which we receive a bulk transfer of 12008 bytes, maybe i am incorrect to refer to that as a 'packet'

I am trying to simulate that hardware with a teensy for testing purposes (i don't always have access to the hardware)

so far i have only been able to recieve a bulk transfer of exactly 64 bytes when using the teensy.

My host is an android smartphone with the teensy being the device (connected via OTG)

should i be able to get the teensy to transmit a bulk transfer containing 12008 bytes?

i am very new to the teensy/arduino so apologies in advance for any stupid questioins..


i've just tested this, bulk transfer read on the android side fails when trying to receive 12008 bytes, e.g. packetSize is set to 12008:

byte[] dataBytes = new byte[packetSize];
int read = deviceConnection.bulkTransfer(dataEndpoint, dataBytes,
dataBytes.length, BULK_RX_TIMEOUT);

works when packetSize is 64, fails when packet size is 12008, i.e. read returns -1 on fail as opposed to no. of bytes received

also works with packetSize is 128

I wonder if it is timing out? 12 MBit/s = 1.5 MByte/s, BULK_RX_TIMEOUT is 5000 ms

can 12008 bytes be transmitted in 5s? yes, we only need 2.4kbyte/s to get the data out in time so orders of magnitude within limits

code on teensy side is:

byte buf0[] = {
0x53, 0x78, 0xe8, 0x03, 0x96, 0x36, 0x07, 0x00,
0xee, 0x00, 0x81, 0xcd, 0xae, 0xab, 0xc6, 0x2f,
0x7b, 0xcd, 0x81, 0x30, 0x00, 0x40, 0x2a, 0x53,

a 12008 byte buffer


void loop()
Serial.write(buf0, 12008);

couldn't be much simpler..

works when I only write 64 bytes of buf0, i.e.

Serial.write(buf0, 64);

but its not happy with 12008

update #2

maybe what i'm observing is a limit on arduino serial buffer size?
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