OctoWS2811 - troubleshooting offset diff btwn image on screen and LEDs

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Hi all,

I'm using the OctoWS2811 library to send video to an LED panel (image here). I have my settings set as instructed in both the Arduino and Processing code. I have three issues, however:

1. The image is squished horizontally.
2. The image is not centered and some of it does not appear at all (see image).
3. I'm only getting 3 rows of LEDs for each pin instead of 4.

My LED matrix is made up of NeoPixels wired in a zigzag pattern (alternating direction of LEDs) starting in the top-left and ending at the bottom-left. There are 24 rows of 25 LEDs. Put another way, there are 25 LEDs horizontally per row, and 24 rows vertically.

My video file is 480 x 480.

Any suggestions of how to approach this? Code below:

/*  OctoWS2811 VideoDisplay.ino - Video on LEDs, from a PC, Mac, Raspberry Pi
    Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Stoffregen, PJRC.COM, LLC

#include <OctoWS2811.h>

#define LED_WIDTH      25   // number of LEDs horizontally
#define LED_HEIGHT     32   // number of LEDs vertically (must be multiple of 8)
#define LED_LAYOUT     0    // 0 = even rows left->right, 1 = even rows right->left

#define VIDEO_XOFFSET  0
#define VIDEO_YOFFSET  0       // display entire image
#define VIDEO_WIDTH    100
#define VIDEO_HEIGHT   100

const int ledsPerStrip = LED_WIDTH * LED_HEIGHT / 8;

DMAMEM int displayMemory[ledsPerStrip*6];
int drawingMemory[ledsPerStrip*6];
elapsedMicros elapsedUsecSinceLastFrameSync = 0;

const int config = WS2811_800kHz; // color config is on the PC side

OctoWS2811 leds(ledsPerStrip, displayMemory, drawingMemory, config);

void setup() {
  pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); // Frame Sync

void loop() {
  int startChar = Serial.read();

  if (startChar == '*') {
    // receive a "master" frame - we send the frame sync to other boards
    // the sender is controlling the video pace.  The 16 bit number is
    // how far into this frame to send the sync to other boards.
    unsigned int startAt = micros();
    unsigned int usecUntilFrameSync = 0;
    int count = Serial.readBytes((char *)&usecUntilFrameSync, 2);
    if (count != 2) return;
    count = Serial.readBytes((char *)drawingMemory, sizeof(drawingMemory));
    if (count == sizeof(drawingMemory)) {
      unsigned int endAt = micros();
      unsigned int usToWaitBeforeSyncOutput = 100;
      if (endAt - startAt < usecUntilFrameSync) {
        usToWaitBeforeSyncOutput = usecUntilFrameSync - (endAt - startAt);
      digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
      pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(12, LOW);
      // WS2811 update begins immediately after falling edge of frame sync
      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  } else if (startChar == '$') {
    // receive a "master" frame - we send the frame sync to other boards
    // we are controlling the video pace.  The 16 bit number is how long
    // after the prior frame sync to wait until showing this frame
    unsigned int usecUntilFrameSync = 0;
    int count = Serial.readBytes((char *)&usecUntilFrameSync, 2);
    if (count != 2) return;
    count = Serial.readBytes((char *)drawingMemory, sizeof(drawingMemory));
    if (count == sizeof(drawingMemory)) {
      digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
      pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
      while (elapsedUsecSinceLastFrameSync < usecUntilFrameSync) /* wait */ ;
      elapsedUsecSinceLastFrameSync -= usecUntilFrameSync;
      digitalWrite(12, LOW);
      // WS2811 update begins immediately after falling edge of frame sync
      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  } else if (startChar == '%') {
    // receive a "slave" frame - wait to show it until the frame sync arrives
    pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
    unsigned int unusedField = 0;
    int count = Serial.readBytes((char *)&unusedField, 2);
    if (count != 2) return;
    count = Serial.readBytes((char *)drawingMemory, sizeof(drawingMemory));
    if (count == sizeof(drawingMemory)) {
      elapsedMillis wait = 0;
      while (digitalRead(12) != HIGH && wait < 30) ; // wait for sync high
      while (digitalRead(12) != LOW && wait < 30) ;  // wait for sync high->low
      // WS2811 update begins immediately after falling edge of frame sync
      if (wait < 30) {
        digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  } else if (startChar == '@') {
    // reset the elapsed frame time, for startup of '$' message playing
    elapsedUsecSinceLastFrameSync = 0;

  } else if (startChar == '?') {
    // when the video application asks, give it all our info
    // for easy and automatic configuration

  } else if (startChar >= 0) {
    // discard unknown characters

/*  OctoWS2811 movie2serial.pde - Transmit video data to 1 or more
      Teensy 3.0 boards running OctoWS2811 VideoDisplay.ino
    Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Stoffregen, PJRC.COM, LLC

import processing.video.*;
import processing.serial.*;
import java.awt.Rectangle;

Movie myMovie;

float gamma = 1.7;

int numPorts=0;  // the number of serial ports in use
int maxPorts=24; // maximum number of serial ports

Serial[] ledSerial = new Serial[maxPorts];     // each port's actual Serial port
Rectangle[] ledArea = new Rectangle[maxPorts]; // the area of the movie each port gets, in % (0-100)
boolean[] ledLayout = new boolean[maxPorts];   // layout of rows, true = even is left->right
PImage[] ledImage = new PImage[maxPorts];      // image sent to each port
int[] gammatable = new int[256];
int errorCount=0;
float framerate=0;

void setup() {
  String[] list = Serial.list();
  println("Serial Ports List:");
  serialConfigure("/dev/tty.usbmodem509331");  // change these to your port names
  if (errorCount > 0) exit();
  for (int i=0; i < 256; i++) {
    gammatable[i] = (int)(pow((float)i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5);
  myMovie = new Movie(this, "moon_4x_480.mov");
  myMovie.loop();  // start the movie :-)
  size(myMovie.width, myMovie.height + 100);  // create the w indow

// movieEvent runs for each new frame of movie data
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
  // read the movie's next frame
  //if (framerate == 0) framerate = m.getSourceFrameRate();
  framerate = 30.0; // TODO, how to read the frame rate???
  for (int i=0; i < numPorts; i++) {    
    // copy a portion of the movie's image to the LED image
    int xoffset = percentage(m.width, ledArea[i].x);
    int yoffset = percentage(m.height, ledArea[i].y);
    int xwidth =  percentage(m.width, ledArea[i].width);
    int yheight = percentage(m.height, ledArea[i].height);
    ledImage[i].copy(m, xoffset, yoffset, xwidth, yheight,
                     0, 0, ledImage[i].width, ledImage[i].height);
    // convert the LED image to raw data
    byte[] ledData =  new byte[(ledImage[i].width * ledImage[i].height * 3) + 3];
    image2data(ledImage[i], ledData, ledLayout[i]);
    if (i == 0) {
      ledData[0] = '*';  // first Teensy is the frame sync master
      int usec = (int)((1000000.0 / framerate) * 0.75);
      ledData[1] = (byte)(usec);   // request the frame sync pulse
      ledData[2] = (byte)(usec >> 8); // at 75% of the frame time
    } else {
      ledData[0] = '%';  // others sync to the master board
      ledData[1] = 0;
      ledData[2] = 0;
    // send the raw data to the LEDs  :-)

// image2data converts an image to OctoWS2811's raw data format.
// The number of vertical pixels in the image must be a multiple
// of 8.  The data array must be the proper size for the image.
void image2data(PImage image, byte[] data, boolean layout) {
  int offset = 3;
  int x, y, xbegin, xend, xinc, mask;
  int linesPerPin = image.height / 8;
  println("linesPerPin = " + linesPerPin);  
  int pixel[] = new int[8];
  for (y = 0; y < linesPerPin; y++) {
    if ((y & 1) == (layout ? 0 : 1)) {
      // even numbered rows are left to right
      xbegin = 0;
      xend = image.width;
      xinc = 1;
    } else {
      // odd numbered rows are right to left
      xbegin = image.width - 1;
      xend = -1;
      xinc = -1;
    for (x = xbegin; x != xend; x += xinc) {
      for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
        // fetch 8 pixels from the image, 1 for each pin
        pixel[i] = image.pixels[x + (y + linesPerPin * i) * image.width];
        pixel[i] = colorWiring(pixel[i]);
      // convert 8 pixels to 24 bytes
      for (mask = 0x800000; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
        byte b = 0;
        for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
          if ((pixel[i] & mask) != 0) b |= (1 << i);
        data[offset++] = b;

// translate the 24 bit color from RGB to the actual
// order used by the LED wiring.  GRB is the most common.
int colorWiring(int c) {
  int red = (c & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
  int green = (c & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
  int blue = (c & 0x0000FF);
  red = gammatable[red];
  green = gammatable[green];
  blue = gammatable[blue];
  return (green << 16) | (red << 8) | (blue); // GRB - most common wiring

// ask a Teensy board for its LED configuration, and set up the info for it.
void serialConfigure(String portName) {
  if (numPorts >= maxPorts) {
    println("too many serial ports, please increase maxPorts");
  try {
    ledSerial[numPorts] = new Serial(this, portName);
    if (ledSerial[numPorts] == null) throw new NullPointerException();
  } catch (Throwable e) {
    println("Serial port " + portName + " does not exist or is non-functional");
  String line = ledSerial[numPorts].readStringUntil(10);
  if (line == null) {
    println("Serial port " + portName + " is not responding.");
    println("Is it really a Teensy 3.0 running VideoDisplay?");
  String param[] = line.split(",");
  if (param.length != 12) {
    println("Error: port " + portName + " did not respond to LED config query");
  // only store the info and increase numPorts if Teensy responds properly
  ledImage[numPorts] = new PImage(Integer.parseInt(param[0]), Integer.parseInt(param[1]), RGB);
  ledArea[numPorts] = new Rectangle(Integer.parseInt(param[5]), Integer.parseInt(param[6]),
                     Integer.parseInt(param[7]), Integer.parseInt(param[8]));
  ledLayout[numPorts] = (Integer.parseInt(param[5]) == 0);

// draw runs every time the screen is redrawn - show the movie...
void draw() {
  // show the original video
  image(myMovie, 0, 80);
  // then try to show what was most recently sent to the LEDs
  // by displaying all the images for each port.
  for (int i=0; i < numPorts; i++) {
    // compute the intended size of the entire LED array
    int xsize = percentageInverse(ledImage[i].width, ledArea[i].width);
    int ysize = percentageInverse(ledImage[i].height, ledArea[i].height);
    // computer this image's position within it
    int xloc =  percentage(xsize, ledArea[i].x);
    int yloc =  percentage(ysize, ledArea[i].y);
    // show what should appear on the LEDs
    image(ledImage[i], 240 - xsize / 2 + xloc, 10 + yloc);

// respond to mouse clicks as pause/play
boolean isPlaying = true;
void mousePressed() {
  if (isPlaying) {
    isPlaying = false;
  } else {
    isPlaying = true;

// scale a number by a percentage, from 0 to 100
int percentage(int num, int percent) {
  double mult = percentageFloat(percent);
  double output = num * mult;
  return (int)output;

// scale a number by the inverse of a percentage, from 0 to 100
int percentageInverse(int num, int percent) {
  double div = percentageFloat(percent);
  double output = num / div;
  return (int)output;

// convert an integer from 0 to 100 to a float percentage
// from 0.0 to 1.0.  Special cases for 1/3, 1/6, 1/7, etc
// are handled automatically to fix integer rounding.
double percentageFloat(int percent) {
  if (percent == 33) return 1.0 / 3.0;
  if (percent == 17) return 1.0 / 6.0;
  if (percent == 14) return 1.0 / 7.0;
  if (percent == 13) return 1.0 / 8.0;
  if (percent == 11) return 1.0 / 9.0;
  if (percent ==  9) return 1.0 / 11.0;
  if (percent ==  8) return 1.0 / 12.0;
  return (double)percent / 100.0;
One addition - the wiring.

I have a pin connection every 4 rows, for a total of 6 pins used. That's 100 leds per strip (4 rows of 25).
are you sure that these numbers are correct, as do not match your description of WIDTH and HEIGHT of there being 24 rows for Height?
#define LED_WIDTH      25   // number of LEDs horizontally
#define LED_HEIGHT     32   // number of LEDs vertically (must be multiple of 8)
#define LED_LAYOUT     0    // 0 = even rows left->right, 1 = even rows right->left

later, they are used for:
const int ledsPerStrip = LED_WIDTH * LED_HEIGHT / 8;
which would throw out some issues in that the programme thinks you are sending to more leds than you are using? I haven't used the video sketch for a while, though...
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One addition - the wiring.

I have a pin connection every 4 rows, for a total of 6 pins used. That's 100 leds per strip (4 rows of 25).
i think that you have to use all eight pins for the videoDisplay from processing to ensure you write out to all leds properly (but i might be wrong), this may be part of the issue for the bottom of your image missing.
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Problem solved - it's all in the numbers

I was able to get it working and in so doing realized my fault - that the wiring and number of pins are affected by one another.

In my case, I had 24 rows and used all 8 pins in the end. That meant each pin was responsible for 3 rows. That meant I had to re-wire my matrix so that each set of 3 rows was independent. See image.

I could have used 6 pins and saved myself the re-wiring but I wanted all 8 pins working together to make everything faster.

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