serial functions

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I'm using Arduino IDE along with Teensyduino. Where is the serial lib located? I want to read the serial functions
It's in hardware/teensy/avr/cores.

There are actually several different files that could be called "serial lib". AVR (Teensy 2.0) and ARM (Teensy LC & 3.1) use different code. There's also different code for USB virtual serial and regular hardware serial.

On a Mac, you need to control-click on Arduino and use "show package contents". On Linux and Windows, Arduino is regular folders and files.

From this lengthy answer, are you getting a feeling for some of the info you could have put into your question that would have allowed me to write a more specific, more helpful answer? That's how this forum works... you get better answers if you write better questions. If you explain what you want to actually do with digging into the code, an answer might actually help even more!
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