acceleromer CJMCU 105 ADXL345 suddenly sending jittery data

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Active member
hey everybody!
i searched the forum and online but havent been able to figure out a problem i am having.
i have an adxl345 accelerometer connected to a teensy 3.1 and i want to use the accelerometer as a midi controller
in combination with other sensors, in this case 8 bend sensors as we as an accelerometer.
i connected the adxl345 to the teensy before hand, and the sensor output was amazing, very stable plus 1,0,-1 at rest (about, etc.
however, i breadboarded the whole project now (plus the 8 bend sensors on 12k resistors as well as the infrared sensor and a vibration motor on a diode)
and suddenly the output of the accelerometer becomes very jittery (+20,0,-20 and more at rest), i tried out another teensy
plus accel in the same setup -> same problem, and both teensy and accel seperately on a dfferent breadboard, same code
but without the other sensors plugged in. the voltage going into is very stable on bothe breadboards.

now, it seems clear to me that the chips are not the reason for the problem, the code neither.
could the sensors be responsible for the jittery values? maybe the vibration motor, even though the diode should prevent any current problems..?
the bend sensors are on A9-A6, and A3-A0, the infrared sensor on A14, vibration motor on Pin3,
the accel on SCL0 and SDA0.

i am new to programming as well as electronics and i would appreciate any help or advice on how to find the problem!
if you think a photo is useful, ill be happy to post one

cheers! :)
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