MK20DX256VLH7 Fuse settings?

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I've got some factory MK20DX256VLH7's and I'd like to set the fuses to Teensy 3.2 settings, to accept Teensy 3.2 hex. Is there any information on setting these fuses? I have a ST-LINK V2, and can upload via JTAG.
Its better to ask in a Freescale or NXP Forum. The Teensy has a bootloader which does not need JTAG.
And rtfrm. Read the f* reference manual :)
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The HEX file is meant to work on a MK20 chip. But how you use those non-PJRC tools to get the known-good HEX file onto the chip is a question for the people who support those tools (eg, not here).

You can Teensy Loader if you buy this chip and design it onto your circuit board.

Often this works out to be the simplest way for low volume or initial (smaller) production runs.
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