dead teensy 3.1

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New member
I have a teensy 3.1 that no longer does squat. It was working just fine, and now it's not recognized by a computer, has no lights, and is not running code. I've tried holding the button while plugging it in and I still get nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions besides getting a new one?

I have had nothing hooked up to it but a micro USB cable going to my computer.
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In general when something is dead I check the power input and regulator first. Check if you have Vin (5v ish) and then 3.3v. I haven't had a teensy fail but most micro USB devices I have had fail are problems right at the connector. Hopefully more useful answers will follow soon.
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Well some other common things to check are:
  • Whether you have a USB cable that is capable of passing data. There are a lot of power only USB cables.
  • I've had USB ports go south, and I had to reboot the system to get them back.
  • Sometimes within the computer the wires pulled out, and the USB connector is no longer connected.
  • Occasionally the wires within a cable can break.
  • Some USB 3 connections don't work as well with USB 2 cables (there putting in a USB hub can help).
  • I've had some hub/switches that didn't work for some microprocessors, and it worked better if I directly plugged it in.
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