MotionCal Tool Format

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New member

I'm trying to reuse the MotionCal tool for an IMU project using LSM9DS1 and having hard time setting it up:

1) what is the input format MotionCal expect? looking at examples, I'm formatting the stream as:
"Raw:0.67,4.44,8.42,-3.03,-7.00,-1.82,-9.25,21.15,-26.52" per line
with first 3 numbers accel data in m/s2, then Gyro in deg/s and compass in uT ; is this correct?

2) I'm using windows10, board is a TinyDuino using TinyShield 9-AXIS SENSOR BOARD. The MotionCal sees properly my com port and the default values in the GUI "flicker" when my sketch is running but I don't get any numerical values updated and the graph stays empty. does that sound like a common issue? any hint?

Thanks Much!
I don't have the NXPmationsense board, I whant to use this grate tool with other 9dof sensor, what tipe of data this app expect for each sensor? are all integer 16 bit resolution? or need m/s2 , dps, and T?
I don't see this info in the library or in motioncal repo.
You can dig a little deeper. The chips have clear datasheets and the library isn't complicated (at least not that part, no sensor fusion or filter). The MotionCal source is also available on github.

You could also simply buy a Teensy 3.2 and prop sheild, if you need the real hardware for comparison.

There simply isn't any other documentation. If you want to make use of this free software with hardware not sold by PJRC (so we make nothing from all this effort), you can but the rest is up to you. There's no technical support for using free software, especially with other hardware that provides zero funding for continued development. You get a lot of great code for free (do pay attention to any license details spelled out in the code), but as far as tech support for that free code goes, you're on your own!
thanks Paul for always answering my questions.
I really appreciate your work!
I´m from Argentina, and I have a Teensy 3.1 and it a wonderful board!
I read the lib ;)
I promise to dig more
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