Good way to debug DHCP library in Visual Micro?

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Well-known member
Just wondered if anyone out there working with Visual Micro and Teensy 3.x have found a decent way to debug into
some of the libraries (specifically the dhcp.cpp one)? I wanted to find out why the dhcp lease request at times
hangs on a specific controller I have. I know the issue is most likely the hardware (since other controllers work fine
on the same drop), the issue is for future info. Specifically, I'd like some debug output while the code below is in the
while loop while(_dhcp_state != STATE_DHCP_LEASED) which seems to go on endless on this specific controller.
In other words, I'd like at the very minimum to print out the messageType return from the parseDHCPResponse.

int DhcpClass::request_DHCP_lease(){
    uint8_t messageType = 0;
    // Pick an initial transaction ID
    _dhcpTransactionId = random(1UL, 2000UL);
    _dhcpInitialTransactionId = _dhcpTransactionId;

    if (_dhcpUdpSocket.begin(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT) == 0)
      // Couldn't get a socket
      return 0;
    int result = 0;
    unsigned long startTime = millis();
    while(_dhcp_state != STATE_DHCP_LEASED)
        if(_dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_START)
            send_DHCP_MESSAGE(DHCP_DISCOVER, ((millis() - startTime) / 1000));
            _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER;
        else if(_dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_REREQUEST){
            send_DHCP_MESSAGE(DHCP_REQUEST, ((millis() - startTime)/1000));
            _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_REQUEST;
        else if(_dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER)
            uint32_t respId;
            messageType = parseDHCPResponse(_responseTimeout, respId);
            if(messageType == DHCP_OFFER)
                // We'll use the transaction ID that the offer came with,
                // rather than the one we were up to
                _dhcpTransactionId = respId;
                send_DHCP_MESSAGE(DHCP_REQUEST, ((millis() - startTime) / 1000));
                _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_REQUEST;
        else if(_dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_REQUEST)
            uint32_t respId;
            messageType = parseDHCPResponse(_responseTimeout, respId);
            if(messageType == DHCP_ACK)
                _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_LEASED;
                result = 1;
                //use default lease time if we didn't get it
                if(_dhcpLeaseTime == 0){
                    _dhcpLeaseTime = DEFAULT_LEASE;
                // Calculate T1 & T2 if we didn't get it
                if(_dhcpT1 == 0){
                    // T1 should be 50% of _dhcpLeaseTime
                    _dhcpT1 = _dhcpLeaseTime >> 1;
                if(_dhcpT2 == 0){
                    // T2 should be 87.5% (7/8ths) of _dhcpLeaseTime
                    _dhcpT2 = _dhcpLeaseTime - (_dhcpLeaseTime >> 3);
                _renewInSec = _dhcpT1;
                _rebindInSec = _dhcpT2;
            else if(messageType == DHCP_NAK)
                _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START;
        if(messageType == 255)
            messageType = 0;
            _dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START;
        if(result != 1 && ((millis() - startTime) > _timeout))
    // We're done with the socket now

    _lastCheckLeaseMillis = millis();
    return result;

Thanks for any input!
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