Teensy 3.5/3.6 40 I/O + 2

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Well-known member
Hi - Why are the number of 3.5/3.6 I/O pins described as 40 + 2 ? I can see the 42 pins on the PCB edge, why are the two pins above pin 39 not labeled ? Are they available for use ? On the topside these two pins are labelled (in the picture) "A21" and "A22", on the underside I think I can read "DM0" and "DM1" (silkscreen).


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Some pins do not work with digitalRead, or digitalWrite. These pins don't have conventional digital pin numbers, only analog pin number (i.e. they begin with an A). On the 3.5/3.6, these pins are:
  • Pins A10 & A11 (inner through hole pins, next to pins 22 and 23);
  • Pins A21 & A22 (outside, between the middle ground pin and pin 39) -- note these pins can do a true analog output (DAC) as well as analog input (they can be used to emit stereo sound using amplification);

In addition, the 3.5 has two additional analog input pins (A25 and A26) that are in the second inner through hole row by pins 2 and 3. The 3.6 puts the USB host pins there, but the 3.5 doesn't have support for the USB host, but instead has 2 more analog input pins.

Except for the two DAC pins (A21 and A22 on the 3.5/3.6, A14 on the 3.1/3.2, A12 on the LC), analogWrite is mis-named, and it should be called something like PwmWrite. The analog output is done by turning the pin on/off rapidly, so that the sum of the voltage will be between 0 and 3.3v. This works for LEDs, but it isn't as useful for sound output where you want the voltage to be actually changing instead of turning the pin on/off. The DAC pins can vary the voltage (between 0 and 3.3v or 0 and 1.2v IIRC, depending on the settings).
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