Programming multiple Teensys from same computer.

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I have two Teensys, both connected to my computer via two separate USB ports (COM6 and COM7). I would like to program them with different programs, but I'm apparently not doing it correctly.

I click the 'Tools' -> 'Port' -> COM6, and then upload PROG1, and COM6 gets programmed as I want. Then I click 'Tools' -> 'Port' -> 'COM7', and click upload on my PROG2 window, but PROG2 gets uploaded to the Teensy on COM6, and not COM7. Is there a way to switch which USB gets written to without unplugging one or the other?

Thank you.
As @tonton81 mentioned, the new beta is getting better. But I still prefer to use TyCommander. You can easily setup to work on multiple sketches at the same time with multiple Teensy boards connected and then direct which program is supposed to go to which board. And sometimes when I am working on Well monitor program I tell it to update both boards with each new update.
For unique code on two Teensy's - start the IDE TWICE - don't use File OPEN from a single IDE to get the second sketch is another key factor.

Then the Beta 1.42 works okay - but not as nice as TyCommander - as noted.
Apart using TyCommander (I have not used recently) and other custom loaders (I wrote my own one), the proper way to program different teensies with different programs (AFAIK) is
- compile program with verify (not download) and press button of teensy to be programmed

Listening to different teensies is easy done with different instances of a serial comm program
WMXZ mentions a valid way that I used when using multiple of the same device T_3.1 or T_3.2: Verify and Button on the desired Teensy. But if doing mixed Teensy - Extra "instances" allows each IDE to maintain separate settings as needed. And the new multiple instances on Beta of 1.42 with Teensy_Sermon selected for ports allows directing the Upload- and a unique Teensy_Sermon for each. TyCommander with 'Integrate to Arduino' does that some better with a unique GUI interface.
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