Teensy 2.0 chips (Atmega 32U4) available in VQFN package?

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Well-known member

I'm not sure what's the best forum for this question. It's really just for PJRC to answer, I think.

I have a very small board that uses the Atmega 32U4 chip, and is working fine. I'd like to purchase the Teensy 2.0 chips in the smaller VQFN package, as populated on the Teensy 2.0 board, rather than the larger TQFP package that's already sold on the PJRC site.

Can these be made available for sale as bare chips?

Best regards,
I recently ordered a ZIF socket and a PCB from OSH Park to adapt it to the programming hardware we use.

At this point (or when both arrive in a couple weeks) whether we can really offer the chip in QFN package is still experimental. No solid promises. But I will say we've got hardware coming to give it a try. Time frame is likely 3+ weeks away, since the ZIF socket is coming from China.
That's good to know. I'll be watching with interest. Pulling them off Teensy 2 boards is *not* an appealing approach!

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