Teensy 3.2 SD card PROBLEM

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I'm working on an audio and light project with Teensy 3.2 and my SD card reader is not working properly.

I'm running Teensy 3.2 with the Audio Adaptor Board (https://www.adafruit.com/product/1780) through Teensyduino 1.51 and with the Teensy loader 1.48 on Mac OSX 10.13.5. I'm working with some ultrasonic sensors to trigger sound files. The sensors are working fine. I was able to play audio through the Audio Adaptor Board, generating a beep with one of the audio example sketches. I am now trying to trigger WAV files from a SanDisk Ultra 16GB microSD card (FAT32) when the ultrasonic sensors read distance below a certain threshold. The sensors are again, working fine, and serially printing distance data. , but the wav files are not being triggered as expected.

To test whether I could play WAV files at all, I tried to work with simplewavplayer and wavfileplayerUSB example sketches. Neither could access the WAV files on the SD card. So I am now using the CardInfo example sketch from the SD library to determine the problem. After reading other threads on this forum, I found many suggestions which I've tried... none of which have worked. The CardInfo example needed to be modified for Teensy to specify the correct MOSI, SCK, & SC pins. I did that. There was also an error when first running the sketch that there was more than one SD.h file... one from Arduino and one from Teensy. As suggested on another thread, I deleted the one from Arduino. This allowed the sketch to compile properly. However, when I upload the sketch, the SD card fails to initialize with this message appearing in the console:

Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 7.28.46 PM.png

The card is inserted. I tested with a different microSD card and had the same error. My wiring works perfectly when testing the sensors. I checked to see if there were any conflicts with the pins needed for the SD card and where my sensors are connected. There was one possible conflict but I removed that wire and still the same problem. I made sure to change the chipSelect pin to match Teensy 3.2 and the Audio Shield pinout diagram.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem might be. I'm attaching my modified SD card info sketch. Any suggestions or help would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated!!!

View attachment CardInfoMod.ino

I'm also including a picture of my Teensy setup:


Not sure what else is on those wires? Maybe unseat the T_3.2 with attached Audio board from the breadboard and test it alone with CardInfo and other.

A quick look at the INO seems to show pins in use agreeing with the 'Signals to Teensy' table here :: pjrc.com/store/teensy3_audio.html
Thanks for your advice! I actually fixed it -- I just needed to touch up the solder on the teensy. It was light in a few places. Hooray!
Great to hear it went working with just a bit of solder retouching. Interesting to hear that some solder can be too little - no wonder they don't work with no solder :)
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