expected initializer before '.' token error Teensy 4

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  OPENVFO-Consortium's OpenVFO Display Routine for Nextion LCD

  Uses the default protocol of Nextion LCD.
  Do not assign a 2 byte address to Nextion LCD.
   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "openvfo.h"
#include "openvfo_lcd.h"

// set this to the hardware serial port you wish to use
#define HWSerial Serial1
#define HWSerial_TX_BUFFER_SIZE     64
#define HWSerial_RX_BUFFER_SIZE     64
#define _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF 35 // RX buffer size
unsigned long baud = 19200;

//Configure serial
void serial_setup()
  Serial.begin(baud);  // USB, communication to PC or Mac
  HWSerial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1); // communication to hardware serial
//Begin of Nextion LCD Library by OPENVFO-Consortium
  Nextion Library for OPENVFO
void HWSerial.begin(long baud);
void HWSerial.write(uint16_t b);
int HWSerial.available(void);
int HWSerial.read(void);
void HWSerial.print(uint16_t *b);
static uint16_t swr_receive_buffer[_SS_MAX_RX_BUFF];

char softBuffLines[2][TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
char softBuffSended[2][TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
char softBuffTemp[TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1];    //for STR Command

char c[30], b[30];
char softBuff[20];
char softTemp[20];

void LCDNextion_Init()
  HWSerial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1);
  memset(softBuffLines[0], ' ', TEXT_LINE_LENGTH);
  softBuffLines[0][TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = 0x00;
  memset(softBuffLines[1], ' ', TEXT_LINE_LENGTH);
  softBuffLines[1][TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = 0x00;

void LCD_Init(void)

//Begin of Nextion LCD Protocol
// v0~v9, va~vz : Numeric (Transceiver -> Nextion LCD)
// s0~s9  : String (Text) (Transceiver -> Nextion LCD)
// vlSendxxx, vloxxx: Reserve for Nextion (Nextion LCD -> Transceiver)
#define CMD_NOW_DISP      '0' //c0
char L_nowdisp = -1;          //Sended nowdisp

#define CMD_VFO_TYPE      'v' //cv
char L_vfoActive;             //vfoActive

#define CMD_CURR_FREQ     'c' //vc
unsigned long L_vfoCurr;      //vfoA
#define CMD_CURR_MODE     'c' //cc
byte L_vfoCurr_mode;          //vfoA_mode

#define CMD_VFOA_FREQ     'a' //va
unsigned long L_vfoA;         //vfoA
#define CMD_VFOA_MODE     'a' //ca
byte L_vfoA_mode;             //vfoA_mode

#define CMD_VFOB_FREQ     'b' //vb
unsigned long L_vfoB;         //vfoB
#define CMD_VFOB_MODE     'b' //cb
byte L_vfoB_mode;             //vfoB_mode

#define CMD_IS_RIT        'r' //cr
char L_ritOn;
#define CMD_RIT_FREQ      'r' //vr
unsigned long L_ritTxFrequency; //ritTxFrequency

#define CMD_IS_TX         't' //ct
char L_inTx;

#define CMD_IS_DIALLOCK   'l' //cl
byte L_isDialLock;            //byte isDialLock

#define CMD_IS_SPLIT      's' //cs
byte  L_Split;            //isTxType
#define CMD_IS_TXSTOP     'x' //cx
byte  L_TXStop;           //isTxType

#define CMD_TUNEINDEX     'n' //cn
byte L_tuneStepIndex;     //byte tuneStepIndex

#define CMD_SMETER        'p' //cs
byte L_scaledSMeter;      //scaledSMeter

#define CMD_SIDE_TONE     't' //vt
unsigned long L_sideTone; //sideTone
#define CMD_KEY_TYPE      'k' //ck
byte L_cwKeyType = -1;          //L_cwKeyType 0: straight, 1 : iambica, 2: iambicb

#define CMD_CW_SPEED      's' //vs
unsigned int L_cwSpeed;   //cwSpeed

#define CMD_CW_DELAY      'y' //vy
byte L_cwDelayTime = -1;     //cwDelayTime

#define CMD_CW_STARTDELAY 'e' //ve
byte L_delayBeforeCWStartTime = -1; //byte delayBeforeCWStartTime

#define CMD_ATT_LEVEL     'f' //vf
byte L_attLevel;

byte L_isIFShift;             //1 = ifShift, 2 extend
#define CMD_IS_IFSHIFT    'i' //ci

int L_ifShiftValue;
#define CMD_IFSHIFT_VALUE 'i' //vi

byte L_sdrModeOn;
#define CMD_SDR_MODE      'j' //cj

#define CMD_OPENVFO_INFO     'm' //cm  Complete Send OpenVFO Information

//Once Send Data, When boot
//arTuneStep, When boot, once send
//long arTuneStep[5];
#define CMD_AR_TUNE1      '1' //v1
#define CMD_AR_TUNE2      '2' //v2
#define CMD_AR_TUNE3      '3' //v3
#define CMD_AR_TUNE4      '4' //v4
#define CMD_AR_TUNE5      '5' //v5

#define CMD_IS_CW_SHIFT_DISPLAY 'h' //ch
byte L_isShiftDisplayCWFreq;  //byte isShiftDisplayCWFreq

#define CMD_CW_SHIFT_ADJUST     'h' //vh
int L_shiftDisplayAdjustVal;        //int shiftDisplayAdjustVal

//0:CW Display Shift Confirm, 1 : IFshift save
#define CMD_COMM_OPTION     'o'     //vo
byte L_commonOption0;         //byte commonOption0

//0:Line Toggle, 1 : Always display Callsign, 2 : scroll display, 3 : s.meter
#define CMD_DISP_OPTION1    'p'   //vp
byte L_displayOption1;            //byte displayOption1
#define CMD_DISP_OPTION2    'q'   //vq
byte L_displayOption2;            //byte displayOption2 (Reserve)

#define CMD_TEXT_LINE0      '0'   //s0
#define CMD_TEXT_LINE1      '1'   //s1

#define CMD_CW_TEXT         'a'   //sa
#define CMD_CALLSIGN        'c'   //sc
#define CMD_VERSION         'v'   //sv

#define TS_CMD_MODE           1
#define TS_CMD_FREQ           2
#define TS_CMD_BAND           3
#define TS_CMD_VFO            4
#define TS_CMD_SPLIT          5
#define TS_CMD_RIT            6
#define TS_CMD_TXSTOP         7
#define TS_CMD_SDR            8
#define TS_CMD_LOCK           9 //Dial Lock
#define TS_CMD_ATT           10 //ATT
#define TS_CMD_IFS           11 //IFS Enabled
#define TS_CMD_IFSVALUE      12 //IFS VALUE
#define TS_CMD_STARTADC      13
#define TS_CMD_STOPADC       14
#define TS_CMD_SPECTRUMOPT   15 //Option for Spectrum
#define TS_CMD_SPECTRUM      16 //Get Spectrum Value
#define TS_CMD_TUNESTEP      17 //Get Spectrum Value
#define TS_CMD_WPM           18 //Set WPM
#define TS_CMD_KEYTYPE       19 //Set KeyType

#define TS_CMD_SWTRIG        21 //SW Action Trigger for WSPR and more
#define TS_CMD_READMEM       31 //Read EEProm
#define TS_CMD_WRITEMEM      32 //Write EEProm
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK0     74 //Loopback1 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK1     75 //Loopback2 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK2     76 //Loopback3 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK3     77 //Loopback4 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK4     78 //Loopback5 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_LOOPBACK5     79 //Loopback6 (Response to Loopback channel)
#define TS_CMD_FACTORYRESET  85 //Factory Reset
#define TS_CMD_OPENVFO_REBOOT  95 //Reboot

char nowdisp = 0;

#define HWS_HEADER_CHAR_TYPE 'c'  //1Byte Protocol Prefix
#define HWS_HEADER_INT_TYPE  'v'  //Numeric Protocol Prefex
#define HWS_HEADER_STR_TYPE  's'  //for TEXT Line compatiable Character LCD Control

//Control must have prefix 'v' or 's'
char softSTRHeader[11] = {'p', 'm', '.', 's', '0', '.', 't', 'x', 't', '=', '\"'};
char softINTHeader[10] = {'p', 'm', '.', 'v', '0', '.', 'v', 'a', 'l', '='};
const byte ADCIndex[6] = {A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7};

//send data for Nextion LCD
void SendHeader(char varType, char varIndex)
  if (varType == HWS_HEADER_STR_TYPE)
    softSTRHeader[4] = varIndex;
    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
    softINTHeader[4] = varIndex;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

#define INT_ETX 0
#define STR_ETX 1
#define TMP_ETX 2
//Send 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
//etxType : INT_ETX = 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
//          STR_ETX = ", 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
//          TEMP_ETX = softTemp, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xff

void SendCommandETX(char etxType)
  if (etxType == 2)
  else if (etxType == 1)


void SendCommandUL(char varIndex, unsigned long sendValue)
  SendHeader(HWS_HEADER_INT_TYPE, varIndex);

  memset(softTemp, 0, 20);
  ultoa(sendValue, softTemp, DEC);

void SendCommandL(char varIndex, long sendValue)
  SendHeader(HWS_HEADER_INT_TYPE, varIndex);

  memset(softTemp, 0, 20);
  ltoa(sendValue, softTemp, DEC);

void SendCommandStr(char varIndex, char* sendValue)
  SendHeader(HWS_HEADER_STR_TYPE, varIndex);


//Send String data with duplicate check
void SendTextLineBuff(char lineNumber)
  //Check Duplicated data
  if (strcmp(softBuffLines[lineNumber], softBuffSended[lineNumber]))
    SendHeader(HWS_HEADER_STR_TYPE, lineNumber + 0x30);  //s0.txt, s1.txt


    strcpy(softBuffSended[lineNumber], softBuffLines[lineNumber]);

void SendTextLineStr(char lineNumber, char* sendValue)
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    if (sendValue[i] == 0x00)
      softBuffLines[lineNumber][i] = sendValue[i];

  for (; i < 20; i++)
    softBuffLines[lineNumber][i] = ' ';

  softBuffLines[lineNumber][TEXT_LINE_LENGTH + 1] = 0x00;

void SendEEPromData(char varIndex, int eepromStartIndex, int eepromEndIndex, char offsetTtype)
  SendHeader(HWS_HEADER_STR_TYPE, varIndex);

  for (int i = eepromStartIndex; i <= eepromEndIndex; i++)
    HWSerial.write(EEPROM.read((offsetTtype == 0 ? USER_CALLSIGN_DAT : WSPR_MESSAGE1) + i));


uint16_t softBuff1Num[14] = {'p', 'm', '.', 'c', '0', '.', 'v', 'a', 'l', '=', 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
void SendCommand1Num(char varType, char sendValue) //0~9 : Mode, nowDisp, ActiveVFO, IsDialLock, IsTxtType, IsSplitType
  softBuff1Num[4] = varType;
  softBuff1Num[10] = sendValue + 0x30;

  for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)

void SetActivePage(char newPageIndex)
  if (L_nowdisp != newPageIndex)
    L_nowdisp = newPageIndex;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_NOW_DISP, L_nowdisp);
//End of Nextion LCD Protocol

// The generic routine to display one line on the LCD
void printLine(unsigned char linenmbr, const char *c) {
  SendTextLineStr(linenmbr, c);

void printLineF(char linenmbr, const __FlashStringHelper *c)
  int i;
  char tmpBuff[21];
  PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(c);

  for (i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
    unsigned char fChar = pgm_read_byte(p++);
    tmpBuff[i] = fChar;
    if (fChar == 0)

  printLine(linenmbr, tmpBuff);

#define LCD_MAX_COLUMN 20
void printLineFromEEPRom(char linenmbr, char lcdColumn, byte eepromStartIndex, byte eepromEndIndex, char offsetTtype)
  int colIndex = lcdColumn;
  for (byte i = eepromStartIndex; i <= eepromEndIndex; i++)
    if (++lcdColumn <= LCD_MAX_COLUMN)
      softBuffLines[linenmbr][colIndex++] = EEPROM.read((offsetTtype == 0 ? USER_CALLSIGN_DAT : WSPR_MESSAGE1) + i);


//  short cut to print to the first line
void printLine1(const char *c)
  printLine(1, c);
//  short cut to print to the first line
void printLine2(const char *c)
  printLine(0, c);

void clearLine2()
  line2DisplayStatus = 0;

//  short cut to print to the first line
void printLine1Clear() {
  printLine(1, "");
//  short cut to print to the first line
void printLine2Clear() {
  printLine(0, "");

void printLine2ClearAndUpdate() {
  printLine(0, "");
  line2DisplayStatus = 0;

//End of Display Base Routines

//Begin of User Interface Routines
//Main Display for Nextion LCD
//unsigned long
byte nowPageIndex = 0;

//sendType == 1 not check different
void sendUIData(int sendType)
  char nowActiveVFO = vfoActive == VFO_A ? 0 : 1;

  //#define CMD_VFO_TYPE      'v' //cv
  if (L_vfoActive != nowActiveVFO)
    L_vfoActive = nowActiveVFO;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_VFO_TYPE, L_vfoActive);

  //#define CMD_CURR_FREQ     'c' //vc
  if (L_vfoCurr != frequency)
    L_vfoCurr = frequency;
    SendCommandUL(CMD_CURR_FREQ, frequency);

  //#define CMD_CURR_MODE     'c' //cc
  byte vfoCurr_mode = modeToByte();
  if (L_vfoCurr_mode != vfoCurr_mode)
    L_vfoCurr_mode = vfoCurr_mode;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_CURR_MODE, L_vfoCurr_mode);

  //if auto cw key mode, exit
  //if (isCWAutoMode != 0 || menuOn != 0)
  if (isCWAutoMode != 0)

  //nowPageIndex = 0;
  if (menuOn == 0)
    if (sendType == 0)
    //Text Line Mode

  //#define CMD_VFOA_FREQ     'a' //va
  if (L_vfoA != vfoA)
    L_vfoA = vfoA;
    SendCommandUL(CMD_VFOA_FREQ, L_vfoA);

  //#define CMD_VFOA_MODE     'a' //ca
  if (L_vfoA_mode != vfoA_mode)
    L_vfoA_mode = vfoA_mode;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_VFOA_MODE, L_vfoA_mode);

  //#define CMD_VFOB_FREQ     'b' //vb
  if (L_vfoB != vfoB)
    L_vfoB = vfoB;
    SendCommandUL(CMD_VFOB_FREQ, L_vfoB);

  //#define CMD_VFOB_MODE     'b' //cb
  if (L_vfoB_mode != vfoB_mode)
    L_vfoB_mode = vfoB_mode;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_VFOB_MODE, L_vfoB_mode);

  //byte isDialLock = ((isTxType & 0x01) == 0x01) ? 1 : 0;
  if (L_isDialLock != isDialLock)
    L_isDialLock = isDialLock;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_DIALLOCK, L_isDialLock);

  //#define CMD_IS_RIT        'r' //cr
  if (L_ritOn != ritOn)
    L_ritOn = ritOn;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_RIT, L_ritOn);

  //#define CMD_RIT_FREQ      'r' //vr
  //unsigned long L_ritTxFrequency; //ritTxFrequency
  if (L_ritTxFrequency != ritTxFrequency)
    L_ritTxFrequency = ritTxFrequency;
    SendCommandUL(CMD_RIT_FREQ, L_ritTxFrequency);

  //#define CMD_IS_TX         't' //ct
  //char L_inTx;
  if (L_inTx != inTx)
    L_inTx = inTx;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_TX, L_inTx);

  //#define CMD_IS_DIALLOCK   'l' //cl
  //byte L_isDialLock;            //byte isDialLock
  if (L_isDialLock != isDialLock)
    L_isDialLock = isDialLock;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_DIALLOCK, L_isDialLock);

  //#define CMD_IS_SPLIT      's' //cs
  //byte  L_Split;            //isTxType
  if (L_Split != splitOn)
    L_Split = splitOn;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_SPLIT, L_Split);

  //#define CMD_IS_TXSTOP     'x' //cx
  byte isTXStop = ((isTxType & 0x01) == 0x01);
  if (L_TXStop != isTXStop)
    L_TXStop = isTXStop;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_TXSTOP, L_TXStop);

  //#define CMD_TUNEINDEX     'n' //cn
  if (L_tuneStepIndex != tuneStepIndex)
    L_tuneStepIndex = tuneStepIndex;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_TUNEINDEX, L_tuneStepIndex);

  //#define CMD_SMETER        'p' //cp
  if (L_scaledSMeter != scaledSMeter)
    L_scaledSMeter = scaledSMeter;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_SMETER, L_scaledSMeter);

  //#define CMD_SIDE_TONE     't' //vt
  if (L_sideTone != sideTone)
    L_sideTone = sideTone;
    SendCommandL(CMD_SIDE_TONE, L_sideTone);

  //#define CMD_KEY_TYPE      'k' //ck
  if (L_cwKeyType != cwKeyType)
    L_cwKeyType = cwKeyType;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_KEY_TYPE, L_cwKeyType);

  //#define CMD_CW_SPEED      's' //vs
  if (L_cwSpeed != cwSpeed)
    L_cwSpeed = cwSpeed;
    SendCommandL(CMD_CW_SPEED, L_cwSpeed);

  //#define CMD_CW_DELAY      'y' //vy
  if (L_cwDelayTime != cwDelayTime)
    L_cwDelayTime = cwDelayTime;
    SendCommandL(CMD_CW_DELAY, L_cwDelayTime);

  //#define CMD_CW_STARTDELAY 'e' //ve
  if (L_delayBeforeCWStartTime != delayBeforeCWStartTime)
    L_delayBeforeCWStartTime = delayBeforeCWStartTime;
    SendCommandL(CMD_CW_STARTDELAY, L_delayBeforeCWStartTime);

  //#define CMD_ATT_LEVEL     'f' //vf
  if (L_attLevel != attLevel)
    L_attLevel = attLevel;
    SendCommandL(CMD_ATT_LEVEL, L_attLevel);

  //#define CMD_IS_IFSHIFT    'i'
  if (L_isIFShift != isIFShift)
    L_isIFShift = isIFShift;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_IFSHIFT, L_isIFShift);

  //#define CMD_IFSHIFT_VALUE 'i'
  if (L_ifShiftValue != ifShiftValue)
    L_ifShiftValue = ifShiftValue;
    SendCommandL(CMD_IFSHIFT_VALUE, L_ifShiftValue);

  //#define CMD_SDR_MODE      'j' //cj
  if (L_sdrModeOn != sdrModeOn)
    L_sdrModeOn = sdrModeOn;
    SendCommand1Num(CMD_SDR_MODE, L_sdrModeOn);

void updateDisplay() {
  sendUIData(0);  //UI

// Spectrum for Range scan and Band Scan
#define RESPONSE_EEPROM       1
#define RESPONSE_EEPROM_HEX_F 89  //C Language order
#define RESPONSE_EEPROM_HEX_R 72  //Nextion order (Reverse)
#define RESPONSE_EEPROM_STR   87  //String

const uint16_t ResponseHeader[11] = {'p', 'm', '.', 's', 'h', '.', 't', 'x', 't', '=', '"'};
const char HexCodes[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', };

//void sendSpectrumData(unsigned long startFreq, unsigned long incStep, int scanCount, int delayTime, int sendCount)
//sendResponseData(RESPONSE_EEPROM, 0, eepromIndex, eepromReadLength, eepromDataType, 1);
//protocol Type : 0 - Spectrum, 1 : EEProm
//startFreq   : Spectrum - Frequency, EEProm - 0
//sendOption1 : Spectrum - 1 Step Frequency, EEProm - EEProm Start Address
//scanCount   : Spectrum - 1 Set Length, EEProm - Read Length
//sendOption2 : Spectrum - Value offset (because support various S-Meter), EEProm - EEProm Response DataType (0:HEX, 1:String)
//sendCount : Spectrum - All scan set count, EEProm - always 1
void sendResponseData(int protocolType, unsigned long startFreq, unsigned int sendOption1, int readCount, int sendOption2, int sendCount)  //Spectrum and EEProm Data
  unsigned long beforFreq = frequency;
  unsigned long k;
  uint16_t adcBytes[200];    //Maximum 200 Step

  //Voltage drop
  //scanResult[0] = analogRead(ANALOG_SMETER);
  //adcBytes[0] = analogRead(ANALOG_SMETER);
  int readedValue = 0;

  for (int si = 0; si < sendCount; si++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)

    for (k = 0; k < readCount; k ++)
      if (protocolType == RESPONSE_SPECTRUM)
        //Spectrum Data
        //Sampling Range
        setFrequency(startFreq + (k * sendOption1));
        //Wait time for charging

        readedValue = GetI2CSmeterValue(I2CMETER_UNCALCS);

        readedValue = analogRead(ANALOG_SMETER);
        readedValue -= (sendOption2 * 3); //0 ~ 765
        //Down Scale
        readedValue /= 2;
        if (readedValue < 0)
          readedValue = 0;
        else if (readedValue > 255)
          readedValue = 255;
        readedValue = EEPROM.read(((sendOption2 == RESPONSE_EEPROM_HEX_R) ? (readCount - k - 1) : k) + sendOption1);

      if (protocolType == RESPONSE_EEPROM && sendOption2 == RESPONSE_EEPROM_STR) //None HEX
        HWSerial.write(HexCodes[readedValue >> 4]);
        HWSerial.write(HexCodes[readedValue & 0xf]);

  } //end of for

//Receive command and processing from External device (LCD or MCU)
int spectrumSendCount = 10;   //count of full scan and Send
int spectrumOffset = 0;    //offset position
int spectrumScanCount = 100;  //Maximum 200
unsigned int spectrumIncStep = 1000;   //Increaase Step
extern uint16_t receivedCommandLength;
extern void HWSerial.read(uint16_t * receive_cmdBuffer);
uint16_t swr_buffer[20];

void HWS_Process(void)
  //Received Command from touch screen
  if (receivedCommandLength > 0)

    int8_t comandLength = receivedCommandLength;
    int8_t commandStartIndex = -1;
    receivedCommandLength = 0;

    //Data Process
    //comandLength //Find start Length
    for (int i = 0; i < comandLength - 3; i++)
      if (swr_buffer[i] == 0x59 && swr_buffer[i + 1] == 0x58 && swr_buffer[i + 2] == 0x68)
        commandStartIndex = i;
    } //end of for

    if (commandStartIndex != -1)
      //Complete received command from touch screen
      uint16_t commandType = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 3];

      if (commandType == TS_CMD_MODE)
        byteToMode(swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4], 1);
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_FREQ)
        unsigned long *tempFreq;
        tempFreq = (unsigned long *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]);
        //if (*tempFreq > 3000)  //for loss protcol
        frequency = *tempFreq;
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_BAND)
        char currentBandIndex = -1;
        if (tuneTXType == 2 || tuneTXType == 3 || tuneTXType == 102 || tuneTXType == 103)
        { //only ham band move
          currentBandIndex = getIndexHambanBbyFreq(frequency);

          if (currentBandIndex >= 0)
            saveBandFreqByIndex(frequency, modeToByte(), currentBandIndex);
        setNextHamBandFreq(frequency, swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4] == 1 ? -1 : 1);  //Prior Band
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_VFO)
        menuVfoToggle(1); //Vfo Toggle
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_SPLIT)
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_RIT)
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_TXSTOP)
        menuTxOnOff(1, 0x01);
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_SDR)
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_LOCK)
        if (vfoActive == VFO_A)
          setDialLock((isDialLock & 0x01) == 0x01 ? 0 : 1, 0); //Reverse Dial lock
          setDialLock((isDialLock & 0x02) == 0x02 ? 0 : 1, 0); //Reverse Dial lock
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_ATT)
        attLevel = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_IFS)
        isIFShift = isIFShift ? 0 : 1;  //Toggle
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_IFSVALUE)
        ifShiftValue = *(long *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]);
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_STARTADC)
        int startIndex = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];
        int endIndex = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 5];
        int adcCheckInterval = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 6] * 10;
        int nowCheckIndex = startIndex;

        while (1 == 1)
          if (receivedCommandLength > 0)

          SendCommandL('n', nowCheckIndex);    //Index Input
          SendCommandL('x', analogRead(ADCIndex[nowCheckIndex++]));

          if (nowCheckIndex > endIndex)
            nowCheckIndex = startIndex;

        } //end of while
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_STOPADC)
        //None Action
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_SPECTRUM)
        //sendSpectrumData(unsigned long startFreq, unsigned int incStep, int scanCount, int delayTime, int sendCount)
        //sendSpectrumData(frequency - (1000L * 50), 1000, 100, 0, 10);
        //sendSpectrumData(*(long *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]), spectrumIncStep, spectrumScanCount, spectrumDelayTime, spectrumSendCount);
        unsigned long beforeFreq = frequency;
        sendResponseData(RESPONSE_SPECTRUM, *(long *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]), spectrumIncStep, spectrumScanCount, spectrumOffset, spectrumSendCount);
        frequency = beforeFreq;
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_SPECTRUMOPT)
        //sendSpectrumData(unsigned long startFreq, unsigned int incStep, int scanCount, int delayTime, int sendCount)
        //sendSpectrumData(frequency - (1000L * 50), 1000, 100, 0, 10);
        spectrumSendCount = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];          //count of full scan and Send
        spectrumOffset = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 5];             //Scan interval time
        spectrumScanCount = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 6];          //Maximum 120
        spectrumIncStep = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 7] * 20;       //Increaase Step
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_TUNESTEP)      //Set Tune Step
        tuneStepIndex = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];    //Tune Step Index
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_WPM)      //Set WPM
        cwSpeed = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];    //
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_KEYTYPE)                 //Set Key Type
        cwKeyType = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4];

        //for reduce program memory
        Iambic_Key = cwKeyType != 0;
        //if (cwKeyType == 0)
        //  Iambic_Key = false;
        //Iambic_Key = true;
        if (cwKeyType == 1)
          keyerControl &= ~IAMBICB;
          keyerControl |= IAMBICB;
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_SWTRIG)
        TriggerBySW = 1;    //Action Trigger by Software
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_READMEM ) //Read Mem
        uint16_t eepromIndex    = *(uint16_t *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]);
        byte eepromReadLength   = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 6];
        byte eepromDataType     = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 7];  //0 : Hex, 1 : String

        sendResponseData(RESPONSE_EEPROM, 0, eepromIndex, eepromReadLength, eepromDataType, 1);
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_WRITEMEM)    //Write Mem
          Address : 2 byte int
          Length   : Data Length
          Checksum : (Addr0+Addr1+Len) %256
          Data      : Variable (Max 23)
        uint16_t eepromIndex = *(uint16_t *)(&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]);
        byte writeLength     = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 6];
        byte writeCheckSum   = swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 7];

        //Check Checksum
        if (writeCheckSum == (swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4] + swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 5] + swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 6]))
          //if (writeCheckSum == (swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4] + swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 5] + writeLength))
          //if (eepromIndex > 64) //Safe #1
          //Safe #2
          if (eepromIndex < 770 || eepromIndex > 775 )
            eepromIndex = -2;
      if (1 == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < writeLength; i++)
              EEPROM.write(eepromIndex + i , swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 8 + i]);
          eepromIndex = -2;
        SendCommandL('n', eepromIndex);             //Index Input
      //else if (TS_CMD_LOOPBACK0 <= commandType && commandType <= TS_CMD_LOOPBACK5)  //Loop back Channel 0 ~ 5 Loop back Channel 1~5 : Reserve
      else if (TS_CMD_LOOPBACK0 == commandType)    //Loop back Channel 0 ~ 5
        SendCommandUL('v', *(unsigned long *)&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4]);     //Return data
        SendCommandUL('g', commandType);                                               //Index Input
      else if (commandType == TS_CMD_FACTORYRESET || commandType == TS_CMD_OPENVFO_REBOOT)
        if (*(unsigned long *)&swr_buffer[commandStartIndex + 4] == 1497712748)
          if (commandType == TS_CMD_OPENVFO_REBOOT)
            FrequencyToVFO(1);  //Save current Frequency and Mode to eeprom
            SCB_AIRCR = 0x05FA0004;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 32; i++) //factory setting range
              EEPROM.write(i, EEPROM.read(FACTORY_VALUES + i)); //65~96 => 0~31


char checkCount = 0;
char checkCountSMeter = 0;

//execute interval : 0.25sec
void idle_process()
  //S-Meter Display
  if (((displayOption1 & 0x08) == 0x08 && (sdrModeOn == 0)) && (++checkCountSMeter > SMeterLatency))
    scaledSMeter = GetI2CSmeterValue(I2CMETER_CALCS);
    int newSMeter;

    newSMeter = analogRead(ANALOG_SMETER) / 4;
    currentSMeter = newSMeter;

    scaledSMeter = 0;
    for (byte s = 8; s >= 1; s--) {
      if (currentSMeter > sMeterLevels[s]) {
        scaledSMeter = s;

    checkCountSMeter = 0; //Reset Latency time
  } //end of S-Meter


//When boot time, send data
void SendUbitxData(void)
  //Wait for ready other device (LCD, DSP and more)
  delay_background(500, 2);

  SendCommandL(CMD_AR_TUNE1, arTuneStep[0]);
  SendCommandL(CMD_AR_TUNE2, arTuneStep[1]);
  SendCommandL(CMD_AR_TUNE3, arTuneStep[2]);
  SendCommandL(CMD_AR_TUNE4, arTuneStep[3]);
  SendCommandL(CMD_AR_TUNE5, arTuneStep[4]);

  SendCommand1Num(CMD_IS_CW_SHIFT_DISPLAY, isShiftDisplayCWFreq);
  SendCommandL(CMD_CW_SHIFT_ADJUST, shiftDisplayAdjustVal);
  SendCommandL(CMD_COMM_OPTION, commonOption0);
  SendCommandL(CMD_DISP_OPTION1, displayOption1);

  unsigned long nextionDisplayOption;
  EEPROM.get(EXTERNAL_DEVICE_OPT1, nextionDisplayOption);
  SendCommandUL(CMD_DISP_OPTION2, nextionDisplayOption);

  SendCommandStr(CMD_VERSION, (char *)("+v1.200")); //Version
  SendEEPromData(CMD_CALLSIGN, 0, userCallsignLength - 1, 0);

    //Frequency of Bands
    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)

    byte *tmpByte;
    tmpByte = (byte *)hamBandRange;
    for (byte i = 0; i < (useHamBandCount -1) * 4; i++)
    HWSerial.write(HexCodes[*tmpByte >> 4]);
    HWSerial.write(HexCodes[*tmpByte & 0xf]);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

  //Complte Send Info
  SendCommand1Num(CMD_OPENVFO_INFO, 1);

  //Page Init
  L_nowdisp = 0;
  SendCommand1Num(CMD_NOW_DISP, L_nowdisp);

//AutoKey LCD Display Routine
void Display_AutoKeyTextIndex(byte textIndex)
  byte diplayAutoCWLine = 0;

  if ((displayOption1 & 0x01) == 0x01)
    diplayAutoCWLine = 1;
  //LCD_SetCursor(0, diplayAutoCWLine);

  softBuffLines[diplayAutoCWLine][0] = byteToChar(textIndex);
  softBuffLines[diplayAutoCWLine][1] = ':';


void LCD_CreateChar(uint16_t location, uint16_t charmap[])

void updateLine2Buffer(char displayType)

//not use with Nextion LCD
void DisplayCallsign(byte callSignLength)

//Not use with Nextion LCD
void DisplayVersionInfo(const __FlashStringHelper * fwVersionInfo)


This is driving me crazy, when compiling I get this error:

openvfo_lcd_nextion:46: error: expected initializer before '.' token
void HWSerial.begin(long baud);

This look like Serial1 is not declared but it is in the HardwareSerial.h. What am I missing?
Thanks for looking.
Strange code.

You redefine (why?) a lot of standard Hardware Serial routines ("void HWSerial.begin(long baud)" and the likes), but before that, you call "HWSerial.begin(baud, format)" which looks like a standard call for the stock Hardware Serial initializer.

And on top, you include "openvfo.h" and "openvfo_lcd.h" which may or may not overload Hardware Serial port prototypes.

Could you clean up your code deleting the serial routine redefinitions and checking that the "openvfo" includes do not overload other Arduino serial routines?

Oh and by the way, please always state which version of Arduino IDE and Teensyduino you are using.
Might help to have a set of sources that compiles.
There are a few header files like
//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "openvfo.h"
#include "openvfo_lcd.h"
Also this is not a sketch as it does not contain setup or main.

So my guess is maybe a .cpp file?

If so are not including any of the system files as your only other include is:
//#include "Arduino.h"
Which is commented out. So not included. As such my guess is none of the system header files are included and as such Serial1 is not defined
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