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    • A
      Thanks for the answer! Just figured it out, literally minutes before your reply (but did not work on it too much during that time) Great, will start experimenting around with this :)
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      agrajag reacted to dangelo's post in the thread Teensy Audio Library Scrubber Object with Like Like.
      Not stupid at all! I had my environment setup in platformio, so I had a modified version of the audio library installed which included the scrub object. If you just want to get the example to work in Teensyduino, you should just be able to...
    • A
      Hey @dangelo , I feel a bit stupid to ask this, but: Where do I drop the .cpp and .h files to get the example to work? It sounds like that this is exactly what I was looking for. Would be awesome to get it to work. Thanks for the effort! Cheers!
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