I am using the PS/2 keyboard for now, but I have made provision for playing with USB. There is a "breakout" which terminates in pins at the edge of the PCB for all the optional connections.
This is a derivative of the PD0LEW design, using a Teensy 3.6. This version uses an RA8875 display and has been a real pain in the rear to program it! I had some help interference from various AI services that mostly led me astray, but...
Thank you. I read your response 30 minutes after sending the boards for manufacture, but I think that the boards can be modified to suit fairly easily. This is a 3.6 but I assume that the same applies as for the 4 series.
Teensy isn't pulling...
I am still not understanding, sorry. I can't use the onboard regulator to power the circuitry because it is pulling over half an Amp. Plugging in the USB or feeding Vin with 5V means that the circuitry is fully (if USB powered only) or partly...
Sorry to hijack the thread, but could you elucidate on that for me please? In my high current requirement project, do I cut the track and then feed just the 3v3 input, or as I assume, the 3v3 LO pin as well, for the audio board? If I then try...
You need to forget digital for a moment and go back to principles. Noise cancellation is done wideband, not at spot frequencies, except for individual cases.
Present for one channel, a line level "clean" signal and one from the "dirty" signal...
That microphone response graph is the inverse of what I would expect to see. The notches are also strange, unless the microphone is faulty. Even then, it is not going to be doing much at VLF! I have a suspicion that you are still trying to...