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    • A
      To add a bit more info, at startup the MKL02 waits for power to be stable (above approx 3.0V) for several milliseconds. Then it drives PSWITCH high. No blink code or other communication is performed during that startup wait. The code assumes...
    • A
      Continuing my investigation into why DCDC_PSWITCH isn't being driven high, I decided to measure the stability of my 3.3V DCDC converter. I measured a 50mV pk to pk value, which I assume is considered stable given that I am well within the MKLs...
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    • A
      Hello, I am developing a data acquisition CAN processing board using an embedded teensy 4.1 on a custom PCB. I am using the preprogrammed bootloader purchased from PJRC. The board uses a slight modification to the Teensy 4.1 power system...
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