70kBytes/s is about 560kbits/s, far from 8Mbits/s.
I don't know what is involved, but you have probably a lot of software overhead.
Is the ESP32 able to receive at rates higher than 8Mbits/s ??? Not the bitrate set in the registers, but the rate...
I would not rely on a SD card for an important file written so often. External flash chip is maybe more reliable, I don't know.
The best solution is to use a FRAM.
Using 0.1"/2.54mm pins rows instead of SMD connectors would be easier to use on any proto board available.
After the proto phase, designing a carrier pcb for projects would be far easier by not using smd connectors.
4 small mounting holes would...
Judging by that video the tacho signal is open drain - it has no "high" voltage and requires a pullup. So you could connect it directly to a Teensy pin configured for INPUT_PULLUP mode.
Searching with "pc fan control arduino", you will find you need a PWM signal and could read the fan speed.
But these two signals are 5V (if I am not wrong). And the Teensy is 3.3V, inputs beeing not 5V tolerant.
The FAN PWM signal could probably...
USB and EMI are not good friends. You should use good shielded cables, filters on data, GND and 5V lines.
Good pcb design also helps, using internal layers for USB signal routing.
At the end, it is still possible the USB peripheral in the Teensy...
As my collegues just asked me for a GPS solution to avoid cabling, I made further investigation about what this system is suposed to do.
I discovered that this system is not directly involved for certification. It is more an internal tool for the...
In the current system, the driver start the measurement by pressing a button. He has one hand on the speed/brake lever, and the other on the button. At the same time he presses the start button and apply brake. When the vehicle stops, he writes...
I will use of the NEO-6P just for the prototype phase, and just because it is in my drawer with an unused Teensy board.
For the final product, I will use a more recent GPS module. Like the Neo / Max 9 or 10 series mentioned by AndyA.
Linking real time behaviour to alogorithm values is not a good idea. Hardly reusable, and unpredictable reactions.
Implement a fixed real time behaviour and let the algorithm check if PWM should be updated, depending on limit values.
The main goal of this project is to avoid the encoder, which is not part of the machine. They have to each time install it, with cables hanging around.
A solution where they open the window, install the magnetic antenna, connect the receiver to...
For various reason, RTK or dual receiver setup is not applicable. Too complex for the end users.
I asked the final user about what he currently has. He told me that the current system, based on an encoder with pulse counters, displays...
With a GPS, I want to measure duration and distance of the braking phase of railway machines, from 100km/h to 0km/h.
I don't need absolute position precision. I juste need to measure distance of braking phase.
GPS reception is good, test...
I already have an Ardu-stim, and even forked it to use a Teensy 4, with TFT and encoder.
I want to extend it to generate real VR signals for factory ECU, transmission or diff controllers. They don't accept digital signals on VR inputs.
I have a...
Don't connect them directly to GND or Vcc.
You could set them as inputs with internal/external pull-ups. It will avoid any problems if anything make a short between pins, or between pins and GND or Vcc.
Or set them as output. But see comment above.
For an engine simulator, I need to generate crank and cam position signals.
Variable reluctance sensors generate one 360° sinus wave for each index, with sometime void between indexes. Nothing complex to generate with an audio output.
You should connect all 3 controllers on the same bus. And configure them to be each at a different CANbus adress.
this will ensure you can send single "broadcast" message to all three at the exact same time.
How are the GNDs connected ???
What is the transmission line length ??? some millimeters ?? some centimeters ??? some meters ???
If your line is long, use RS422 or RS485 line drivers. With 120ohms termination resistors and twisted pair cable...
If I remember, writing the file at the root level, not in any sub-directory, will also avoid slowing down. But can't remember if it is valid for all FATxx formats.
What is the ADC requirement: resolution, noise, voltage range, ....
If you implement an external ADC converter, it will add somme complexity in buffering all the links. But nothing impossible.
I am facing the same problem.
Instead of abusing of CTRL-V, is there another method to tell the compiler to locate a complete library into flash ???