Hilarious...you know, I didn't even know what was the proper name for such a thing, until you said it. It seems that you can't really use them on live, signal-carrying lines, though. I suppose that if you knew when a data sequence was ending, you...
Hey Mark!
Here's what I've got so far:
1. A cable without anything plugged in to it changes the capacitance of the circuit, causing the capacitance to rise slightly. The amount of capacitance depends on the length of the cable and the quality of...
I don't have the cred to ask on Electronics Stack Exchange, or I would have done, and after quite a few searches with varying search terms (and not just a few "Hey Gemini" prompts) I've run up against a wall.
How in the bloody hell do you...
Having gone down so very many rabbit holes over the course of my project, I thought I would throw my findings on the heap of "Stuff to try" for those having trouble, especially since my findings vary from Paul's suggestions in a few areas. This...
LOL my feeble attempt to make the code play to the wiring, not wiring to the code 😝
I did actually get it to work eventually, turned out I'd put the plugs backwards on the board. The buffer chips died valiantly, protecting their Teensy 4.1, and...
Tom, can you please tell me how you're doing this? I'm trying to run only 10 pins, but the default 8 of them is all I can get to work.
The relevant code from the Teensy4_PinList example (everything else is identical to the boilerplate):