It would be better to replace:
while (!Serial); // Seri bağlantının başlamasını bekle
while (!Serial && millis() < 3000);
That way the Teensy will wait for up to 3 seconds for the Serial Port to become available and then give up looking and...
@KurtE & @joepasquariello
Was kind of hinting at that but probably should have made it clearer.
If you go back in this thread you are going to see a EncSim sketch. In the sketch it specifically states:
uint32_t ppr = 4 * 3600; //...
The root of the word quadrature is "quad" or "four". The idea is you have two square waves (A and B) with 90-deg phase offset, and by counting the rising and falling edge of both A and B you get 4x the resolution, and by keeping track of the...
It sounds like the code is causing the Teensy to Crash and then reboot.
Can we see your code, without this it's just guesswork.
When you enter your code place it between code tags using the </> button.
I managed to modify this function in such a way as to write to the output register before the GPIO pin is configured as OUTPUT...
I don't know what I did is correct.
Here is the complete program that controls a 74HC595 without randomly flashing...
your Direct_Write_Out is correct
but after some research, using:
is doing the same thing as your Direct_Write_Out
i.e. it's writing directly to the set/clear registers regardless of the current pinmode
and as BriComp did say...
I DO NOT believe that the upload completes during this phase. If it does not but prompts for the Program button to be pressed but @ninja2 misses that all that is described will occur.
I contend that my explanation fits the case.
It makes eminent sense.
Please read below from the PJRC T4.1 page and my following comment.
Teensy Loader Programming of Teensy's flash memory is done by the Teensy Loader application. Normally the Arduino IDE or other software is...
Your right I did miss it apologies, I did search but am suffering from a headache this morning so I will blame that!!
See my last sentence in post #18.
Note in many of the subsystems, like, SPI, or I2C or SPI, there are often two different things.
The Arduino objects, like SPI, SPI1 and SPI2
And then there is the IMXRT object. From My own Excel document, we have SPI using pins 11-13 (and CS...
First of all you don't say whether you are using PlatformIO or either of the Arduino IDEs, nor whether you are running on Windows, Linux or a MAC. All those variables can/might have an affect upon your outcome.
Ok, let's take a look at the 4.1...
Ok, further Sleuthing. SPI Pins as used by various ESP32s are shown below.
You can see that the ESP32 PICO D4 pin assignments match the UBLOX W10 used with the Nano33IoTV2.0 and UNO V2 Wifi.
So if you load the Arduino version of WiFiNINA onto the...
I think you will find that those are the hardware pin numbers, not the MCU pin numbers.
From what I can see the Adafruit modified WiFiNina uses the following SPIS setup: SPISClass SPIS(VSPI_HOST, 1, 14, 23, 18, 5, 33);
Note the change to MCU pin...
I have done some more sleuthing and for the board that @defragster is using (ESP Pico Kit v4.1) the following SPI pins are declared/available:
mosi - vspid 23, hspid 13
miso - vspiq 19, hspiq 12
clk - vspiclk 18, hspiclk 14
cs - vspics0 5, hspics0 15
I found the code below here which was from the Original Arduino camp.
I believe it shows the default SPI setup as: SPISClass SPIS(VSPI_HOST, 1, 12, 23, 18, 5, 33);
i.e. MOSI pin 12, MISO pin 23, sclk pin 18, cs pin 5 and ready pin 33.
Looking at...
I didn't think you were, I thought that you were asking how I came across that.
Still we found out what was potentially being used, which is the good thing.
Whether the ...D4 can work with WiFiNina is a question I was pondering. Perhaps we may...
Looking at the M5-PICO spec. I do not believe that SPI is brought out to the I/O connectors.
The only available default interfaces are listed as: UART, I2C, I2S, IR remote controller, GPIO, pulse counter.
From the PJRC documentation:
You could add an external pull up resistor to the pin of interest. This would override the "keeper" resistor. I don't know if this pulls up, or down.
According to this data sheet the keeper resistor is circa...
Sorry for the delay. I was at the Teardown conference all day. Looking at this just now...
Sadly, it seems the spammers from India that plagued the old vbulletin server have returned. I had really hoped we would not need to block huge...
Of course. This line in setup pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); causes that.
INPUT_PULLUP tells the Teensy to initialise itself with a pull up to 3V.
Hence if no connection you get 1023/1024.
That is configuring the input as a digital input.
For an...
You could use a capacitor to drive the solenoid. Charge the solenoid through a resistor (gives just enough current to hold solenoid in place).
Then when you fire the drum stick the initial drive current comes from the capacitor, followed by a...
Dear Teensy community,
I am happy to share a little project I've been working on in the past few months :)
I have designed a PCB for easily wiring 8 LED strips on top of one another to form a simple grid. I named the PCB the 'Octobridge'...