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    • C
      CM207 replied to the thread Forwarding data.
      Ok, so if I do not care how the actual device responds and I just always send ACK back to the pc, how would I move forward from this point? I still want to send the exact same SET_REPORT to the actual device. As far as I understand I can not use...
    • C
      CM207 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Forwarding data with Like Like.
      You would need to add special code both in the core library and to the USBHost_t36 library. But even if you go to all that trouble, it may still not really work out the way you want. The main problem is your code added to the core library which...
    • C
      CM207 posted the thread Forwarding data in Project Guidance.
      Hey, Im trying to forward data between the PC and the device thats connected to the usb host, using the teensy as a kind of proxy between it. Example: The teensy receives a set report request from the PC. How would I forward the request to the...
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