Is it possible to implement an EQ in the audio shield or main board? My idea is to play white noise or a sweep of 20 to 20Khz, and boost and cut frequencies until the response was flat as possible within the capability of the microphone.
Thanks. Got it working. Had to join 2 breadboards together as the audio adapter covered all the pins needed. I will put it all on stripboard when everything is working as needed.
The display is this:
I have wired it as in the table below, for the 4.x using alternate pins, 9 for CS, 10 for D/C and have 2 220 Ohm resistors in parallel for the LED.
ILI9341 Pin
Teensy 3.x
and 4.x
Hi, I have tried what I think the docs are telling me are the correct pins for the combination in the heading, but I am not getting any display. Backlight is on and the adafruit library runs and returns serial monitor readouts that make it look...