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    • D
      DaveC284 replied to the thread Teensy 3.2 modules for sale.
      Or even making a 30nm, 3.2 version(simple, robust) that maintains the 5V compatibility?
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      DaveC284 replied to the thread Teensy 3.2 modules for sale.
      Did anyone consider selling the 3.2 design to allow 90nm manufactures to continue making this module?
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      DaveC284 replied to the thread Teensy 3.2 modules for sale.
      Paul, I'm just discovering that the Teensy 3.2 has been discontinued. Is there a 45nm replacement for this small form factor, 5V-compatible uC? I see the Teensy 4.0 is a small FF, but is it 5V compatible? Thanks, Dave
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