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    • defragster
      defragster reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensy.exe icon with Wow Wow.
      Just to add a bit more info, Teensy Loader is built using wxwidgets for all the GUI stuff. Internally these buttons are created from PNG files that get built into the code and converted to a wxwidgets abstraction class for images, and then used...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
      That's what led me here - should have linked back - seemed this new clean thread might allow it to get discovered and resolved on its own schedule with beta
    • defragster
      Why would you want to use this chip? It's slower and has less capacity than the 128mb flash chips that are usually used with a Teensy 4.1.
    • defragster That suggests it can do QSPI Quad access and has a 4x2...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
      Same here on Win 11 The 'Hover' Alternate labels appear and the buttons work - but icons are missing. The do not change when taken out of Auto mode:
      • 1727972346932.png
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to WMXZ's post in the thread Teensy.exe icon with Like Like.
      Using TD on Arduino2.0.3/4 on Windows11, I got this Icon, missing the program and reboot icon. Is that normal behavior?
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at:
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to mjs513's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      With 2.3.3 on windows 11 If I click on the buttons they are active but looks mostly all greyed out. Cant remember if it was otherwise in previous revisions. EDIT: Checked IDE 1.8.19 and same thing
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to shawn's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Sad Sad.
      I noticed that the Teensy loader app is missing the top buttons. macOS 14.7. Picture attached. Note that nothing happens when I click on the ">>" image on the right.
    • defragster
      Ideally a complete sketch when posted allows others to copy and run the sketch. Are there other Serial.prints anywhere - that could be conflicting with the _ISR() TimerLoop() printing. Also, when posting code use the " </> " icon on the toolbar...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread RTC Clock Trim.
      Those constants may be T_3.x specific. Forum search using them found nothing except T_3.x refs :( Not sure about similar mechanism for the 1062 MCU ...
    • defragster
      Teensy has native USB and always runs at the hardware supported USB speed 12 or 480 Mbps. With Teensy that (baud) param is ignored - but required to be supplied for compatibility. It is not like those using a UART to USB transfer chip that...
    • defragster
      Great you got it working with that! Windows Batch file for use in editors looks to be about 6 years old: Running TSET.cmd in sketch folder generates compile.cmd {prompting for which Teensy/speed/usb/optimize}...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread set_arm_clock() minimum.
      Seems the 24 MHz figure was published somewhere as expected/supported.
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to cgeber24's post in the thread RTC Clock Trim with Like Like.
      Thanks Dogbone06! I will give this a try! And my dog Roscoe approves of your user name!
    • defragster
      Yes, The code will start before USB is connected - and some prints may be lost - but USB always starts when connected if specified
    • defragster
      I have built with a Windows batch file: set model=teensy41 set speed=600 set opt=o2std set usb=serial Setting those things up from another batch file allows each to be selected. Then the fully formed FQBN is assembled as follows: set...
    • defragster
      translation of p#1 below ... Normally Serial.begin(115200); is used and when USB is seen as 'connected' it can wait for a bit over 2 seconds to see if USB fully connects. It will exit sooner when USB connects. When running from 5V external then...
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Another exciting moment on my 4th day of Typescript programming! Actually generated the fuse write code in IDE 2.3.2.
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Exciting moment here, using dankeboy36's suggestion, I was able to get a new window to open with code from a temporary folder! Arduino IDE is able to compile and upload it (unlike my failed attempt with vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider). Now...
    • defragster
      It's really not a lot of total data transfer. The units are incorrect. Numbers at the last 2 lines are total bytes, not per second. 8.7 GB over 24 hours, if it repeated every day, would add up to only 1.3% of the server's 20TB monthly...
    • defragster
      Hopefully all calm soon. That is a lot of data In and Out ... Seen dead at 1:55 AM pacific and post above at 2:05 PM had to wait for a restart minutes earlier to post that ... Note sure of the time base EST or PST above? - but both seem outside...
    • defragster
      Looks like things are calmed down now.
    • defragster
      Server getting badly loaded - when it is up it isn't properly responsive :( - maybe I caught it just before it went 'away' again
    • defragster
      Difficult to tell if this is a malicious attack or a very badly designed bot. It's utilizing tens of thousands of distinct IP numbers, so sure seems like someone knows they're up to no good. The accesses keep coming, but the pace seems to have...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread adding Waits to a sketch.
      If the Teensy is online to a computer with SerMon - showing the results? The Teensy could then do a set of readings and wait for incoming USB entry to repeat?
    • defragster
      Yes it is, from a company called Kingtech But any bare RGB lcd you can find on AliExpress etc will work. You just need a backlight driver (I am using this breakout from Adafruit) These displays have no controller or internal GRAM, hence the...
    • defragster
      Is that display retail available? Or is that the one @Dogbone06 had engineered?
    • defragster
      Quick demo of my latest work; got the devboard v5 to run the code, am able to analyze the track and then display a moving waveform Audio is buffered in SDRAM Waveform is buffered in SDRAM Waveform canvas is buffered in DMAMEM Display buffers are...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      Check this in p#1 - unique JSON - I found the same p#3/#4 with IDE 2.3.3
    • defragster
      The 1.8.19 IDE can be unzipped to a NEW folder and then TD 1.59 could be installed there and running the Arduino.exe from that NEW folder will start it up from that folder so you could give it a try without any change to the version in use. If...
    • defragster
      That is 4 years old: Mixing in fixes may or may not work without added work given other CORES changes. Not sure why the current 1.59 wouldn't work as well or better given some key fixes in those years.
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    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      Windows 11 : Both IDE 1 & 2 built Code4Code [4,000 func()'s calling func()'s running from Flash)- uploaded and ran on T_4.1 without issue: Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1: FLASH: code:1214588, data:328112, headers:8656 free for files:6575108...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      IDE 2.3.3 package for 0.60.2 installed with updated JSON URL: Tool teensy:teensy-compile@11.3.1 already installed Tool teensy:teensy-discovery@1.59.0 already installed Tool teensy:teensy-monitor@1.59.0 already installed Downloading packages...
    • defragster
      defragster replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      Downloaded 1.60b2 for IDE 1 : Did Keep & Keep - skipped the mark safe :( Updating IDE 2 to 2.3.3 and updated PJRC JSON IDE 1.8.19 install went fine Package index update seems to have repeatedly failed to show 0.60.2 ???? I turned off the AUTO...
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      I updated my build machines for all platforms. MacOS is the biggest change. If you have a Mac, and especially any older version of MacOS, please give this a try. In theory it should run on all MacOS versions Arduino IDE 2.3.3 supports. In...
    • defragster
      This is all great, and kudos as ever to @shawn for being a responsive library maintainer who works with "his" users to provide an incredibly high level of support for all abilities. For users at the level of @joepasquariello, who are prepared...
    • defragster
      okay, thank you
    • defragster
      Those 'reply' posts showing the English translation were likely to allow reading of the content by most members not requiring a 'translate' to read the post. English is not the primary language of everyone - but posting in English does allow...
    • defragster
      Quite possibly - I had to edit the post three times to get the line before the CODE to show as it does. Though it is odd the first < CODE > post has no italics and the second does ... And intended to make note of posted code needs to use the "...
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    • defragster
      Yeah, that would do it! Sometimes when you are so engulfed in the moment, you don't see the obvious. As I get older, seems like I look for the un-obvious and start to assume things. I have to say, the Teensy is one of my favorite boards. I am...
    • defragster
      In addition to what @BriComp said, make sure to remove any plugged in SD card. I have broken them off that way and it is hard to remove the part left in the connector;)
    • defragster
      When you want to, removing a Teensy from a prototyping board can be a challenge. There is a temptation to lift it just from one end. DO NOT DO THIS. The Teensy will likely give way quickly and pins will probably be bent. As a better solution for...
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1 with Like Like.
      I haven't tried gcc 13.3. Maybe it will be smoother than the problems going from 5.4 to 11.3 (like constexpr contructor no longer giving static init), but at least for now I'm hoping to stay with gcc 11.3 and focus on merging audio library...
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1 with Like Like.
      Sounds like a real PIA! I hate to ask a dumb question, but have you tried building using gcc 13? If so how bad did it fail? i.e. is it worth trying to migrate to something like gcc 13.3? FWIW - my limited use of my older Macbook pro (2013)...
    • defragster
      Awesome! Glad I saw the post and had the right idea!
    • defragster
      Thanks so much Defragster. Your suggestion worked a treat. I first tried using a standard 1/2watt resistor as a 'loosener', that didn't improve things at all. Then I tried a fine gauge galvanised steel wire (not sure which one, diameter is a bit...
    • defragster
      Also this: for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++) { pinMode(sensorPins, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set sensor pins as input with pull-up resistors Should be perhaps more like: sensorPins [ i ] for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++) {...
    • defragster
      Perhaps this is a standard proto breadboard? Have had them here where from new the internal contacts are individually tight and even pressing in a single dupont solid connector end is hard and takes some effort the first time. Would suggest...
    • defragster
      defragster reacted to KF0et's post in the thread Teensy 4.1 not responding with Like Like.
      Success! Back to the Blink. After a last attempt at cleaning any bad or sloppy solder connections on the Teensy 4.1 board, I am back to the Blink routine. The only thing I saw that might have been a problem was a very thin line of solder splatter...
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