Denis Bélières

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    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières replied to the thread Assembly.
      65 or 78. We all fit in 8 bits !
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières reacted to BriComp's post in the thread Assembly with Like Like.
      I am 78. Here goes, a competition to see who can come up with the largest number. Legitimately!
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières reacted to Steve_AU's post in the thread Assembly with Like Like.
      Hello Denis, I read your post about wanting to use other environments to program the Teensy, and it resonated with a little of my experience while returning to the world of microcontrollers again after 30 years. I hope you don't mind the...
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Assembly with Like Like.
      You have 2 basic options. They are the same regardless of Arduino IDE versus another IDE like PlatformIO or just running the compiler from a makefile. Support for assembly is a feature of the underlying toolchain and it works quite well with...
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières replied to the thread Assembly.
      I read somewhere : "What is an engineer ? A guy able to spend a full week-end to fix an old 5 $ radio". I am 76.
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières replied to the thread Assembly.
      64 bits floating point, indeed.
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières replied to the thread Assembly.
      Steve, it is not an intrusion... I appreciate your comments, following Paul's ones... Ok, I surrender and will program with C++ ! Real time Fast fourrier transform (8192 points after windowing and "zero padding" four times per second) for...
    • Denis Bélières
      Denis Bélières replied to the thread Assembly.
      Thanks for that prompt answer. I have been writing in assembly language for more than 50 years, on antique computers (starting with french CII 10010 and Univac 1108) and microprocessors (starting with Motorola 6800). And also in Basic...
    • Denis Bélières
      Managed to get a more decent analog channels sampler working for Teensy4. It allows continuous streaming, dual channel synchronous sampling, at rates up to 1 Ms/s, 12 bits, into buffers as big as what fits in DMAMEM. Either 1, 2, 4 or 8 analog...
    • Denis Bélières
      Are there others tools than arduino to program a Teensy board ? Arduino GCC compiler produces an executable code which is far from beeing optimised. What is the way to use GNU AS assembler configured,for ARM cortex M7 ?
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