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      devtanc replied to the thread T4.1 External USB C Connector.
      Yeah, that's true. I haven't had any of the ones I've soldered short, but it's definitely close.
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      devtanc reacted to shawn's post in the thread program teensy 4.1 though pins? with Like Like.
      Here is the link @devtanc is referring to: Post in thread 'T4.1 External USB C Connector' https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/t4-1-external-usb-c-connector.65633/post-352506
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      I've added a post on another thread that was relevant before I found this thread. I solved this issue by creating a board that can be soldered on the bottom of the teensy. Not the right solution for every case, but it worked out really well for...
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      devtanc replied to the thread program teensy 4.1 though pins?.
      I know this is a few years later, but just in case it helps anyone who ends up here, I've added a board design that I created to help with this to the link posted by @vjmuzik. Hopefully it helps someone looking for a cleaner solution to this.
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      devtanc replied to the thread T4.1 External USB C Connector.
      I know this is a few years old, but in case anyone wants to do something like this going forward, I have something that may help. As I tried to do this while prototyping I ran into a few times where efforts to swap from one prototype board to...
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