WWatson and MJS513 are correct stick with the Teensy. I bought one of the 10" Buydisplay with the DUE and the shield and one set up for parallel interface. using the DUE and shield only one of the RA8876 lite sketches would compile with Arduino...
If "ILI9341_t3" should not be used why is the compiler trying to load it from the ILI9341_t3 Package Library and how do we prevent this so there is not an error? Or Do I need too?
There are 3 times where the compiler is trying this...
Forgot to mention one more thing.
When I get an error during compile of my display sketch, I also get a warning/message that I have duplicate libraries for the "ILI9341_fonts.h". All 3 files that have duplicates are in the Teensy Package. I...
WWatson.... Please remember I am NOT a programmer or hardware engineer. I know enough to make me dangerous.. Only two T4.1's were harmed during my testing... and I still have all my fingers... That said...
When I was doing the testing I ran...
When you get it post a screenshot. I have struggled just recently with noise, so I am just curious what your will look like and what it takes to resolve it.
Disclaimer... I am very new to microcontrollers, software, hardware, ect... I have very little experience and no right to give advice... So basically talking out of the side of my mouth...
In one data sheet for your UCS8904B chip I...
Quick update...
I did get the display to respond using the "GT9271_teensy_Touch" sketch in the "Arduino-goodix-GT9271-main" library.
Learned some things...
when the touchscreen is turned on it uses the interrupt and reset pins to set the display...
Thanks for the clarification on the buss speed... Plenty fast enough for me... your library works great and has saved me a ton of time.
KurtE and wwatson,
downloaded the latest code (thanks KurtE) and am just starting to looking to see...
well that was fast... Thanks for helping.
alright here is what I have so far...
Compiled code and got errors for COLOR16M. The compiler graciously made some suggestions to change to COLOR65K and now the compiler is happy.
I have not used...
The above picture is actually 3 pictures stacked on top of each other so I made another that uses full screen that takes 51ms.
I ran it at 4, 20, 40, 60 and 120mhz for the bus speed. 4 mhz was slower but 20 - 120 mhz I did not notice any...
KurtE and wwatson,
Just an update... Again I would like to thank you both for taking the time to help me get started learning about TFT displays. You have shortened my learning curve tremendously. I took everyone's advice and made a ver2 of the...
I was using your sketch and I set the tft.setbuswidth(8 or 16) in the sketch not the "src/RA8876_Config_8080.h" file. Look above at the picture in my last post with the Arduino IDE in it. I am running your sketch at 16 bit and the serial window...
KurtE... interesting shield... Thanks for sharing the link. I tried to press on it to download and it is not working... I will try it again later to see if it works
wwatson... well again I have more questions....
I ran your...
I forgot to mention... You stated
Good catch... Not your first rodeo... I mistakenly had the LA lead on the 3.3volt supply and not pin 25. Thank you for pointing that out.
Whitebengal and BriComp,
Thanks for the info on the Nextion...
KurteE and WWatson - Thanks for the code and your help. After my tests I learned a lot which brings on more questions...
I ran your test setup program and I do get 16 bits in 16 bit mode... 8 bits in 8 bit mode... great test to have.
In the...
I need some more help... Please remember I am not a programmer or hardware engineer... Just a hobbyist.
I have the screen turning on using the ILI_GFX_FontTest.ino in 8 bit mode - tft.setBusWidth(8) and running 20MHZ tft.begin(20)
I worked on this a little last night. I believe these pins are reversed in the schematic .
RA8876 <___________> Teensy 4.1
- RD 37 _______________> 05
- WR 36 _______________>...
WOW... Extremely Fast responses... I have a lot to try and absorb from posts above.
MarkT... Thanks for the info. I will keep at it...
Kurte and WWatson... Thank you for your clarification. I did try both the 8 bit and 16 bit but only...
I am working on wiring up my display - 8080 16 bit mode and there are two references to wiring the T4.1 pins to the display. first is from the readme.md and the second is from the RA8876_t41_p_default_pins.h file. I started to wire using the...
Thank You for your hard work and making the libraries available. I will set up the display for the 8080 mode first and see if it is over my head. Async Mode... got it... Probably would never figure that out. Thanks again...
I understand now. Thank you both for your help... I am ordering shortly.
On the 16 bit interface there are only eight 10K pull up resistors on DB0 - DB7. Any Idea why not on the other 8 data lines DB8 - DB15? Maybe internal pullups on those?
Thanks for your reply. I looked at your recommendation (Rudolph's Library) and it looks like the code that works for the T4.1 (including the Arduinos) is not in the Arduino IDE .ino format. The example codes provided use PlatformIO IDE...
I want to get a ~10" display with touchscreen that will work with a Teensy 4.1. It must have a library that works with the 4.1 and is reasonably easy to use. I am NOT a programmer (but continually learn) and have above BASIC knowledge using the...