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    • D
      Yeah, release build compiles and works - depending on which features of my project I enable, I can end up with anything from ~10K upwards free in the working build, eg my current configuration with a lot of things disabled gives me:- Building...
    • D
      This question might be better asked on PlatformIO's issue tracker. They'll probably need you to share the large code that gives the error. It's just a couple .c files which don't depend on any special libraries, just a C compiler and the usual...
    • D
      I'm obviously not communicating this very well. The teensy_size output isn't what I'm seeking. I'm seeking the variable -by- variable, function -by-function, file -by-file breakdown that the platformio "inspect" function usually shows, but which...
    • D
      Thanks, I had seen this but it wasn't clear whether returning 0 from this would allow the 'Inspect' task to complete without aborting. Only way to find out is probably to try it I guess, but what sort of environment do I need to set up in...
    • D
      Hmm. I'll look into this, thanks. I was under the impression though that to get useful information about what's what in the binary that compiler optimisations had to be disabled and debug symbols included, so this 'rough approximation' of sizes...
    • D
      Yeah, it looks like it does, and I'm wondering if maybe even the build process itself is only failing because teensy_size is returning non -zero. I've had a bit of a poke around but I can't seem to figure out where it's configured in pio and how...
    • D
      The "inspect" feature shows a breakdown of how much every variables/functions/classes/files/library is taking in the binary, so even without being able to run it I'll be a able to see where to target my size optimisations. By disabling certain...
    • D
      Hullo, I'm trying to use the 'Inspect' feature of platformio to investigate memory use so that I can find the best places to start optimising my (apparently very large) program. However, my project is already so large that when 'Inspect'...
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