What do you think of this simpler solution to the problem? I attached a schematic. The Teensy is powered by USB, and all other components are powered by an external 3.3V DC adapter. The Teensy's internal 3.3V is connected to the enable PIN of the...
That one will work fine and is a higher quality part with gold plating. Didn't find it when I did a search. The JLCPCB search function tends to be a little clunky.
Do you think this 1x12 female header socket will work? https://jlcpcb.com/partdetail/Zhouri-PM2_54_112/C5224029 The datasheet doesn't say the size of the square pins.
Currently JLCPCB doesn't have 1x24 sockets in stock, so I'm hoping to have...
I connected the "+5V" to the Teensy "VIN" (pin 48 in the schematic). Should I also connect it to the Teensy "5V" in the "USB Host" section (pin 55)? I assume no because I'm going to cut the trace for the USB power, so that pin will be useless.
I updated the schematic so that only the Teensy is powered by USB. The other components are now powered by a 5V DC wall adapter dropped to 3.3V with an AMS1117-3.3 LDO regulator. The datasheet says it provides up to 1A, hope that's enough?
@Dogbone06 Thanks, I hadn't considered that lowering voltage might actually increase current draw! Is that still true for a Hall sensor? According to this SS49E datasheet (which looks similar to the OH49E-S) page 4 graph "Supply Current vs...
@PaulStoffregen I added 11 0.1uF decoupling capacitors: 1 for each of the 74HC4067 chips, and 1 for every 6 sensors (which will be laid out in columns of 6 on the PCB). Does the new schematic look ok? I read online that "the USB standard requires...
Hi! I'm trying to make a small MIDI keyboard, using a Teensy 4.1 to read 48 Hall effect sensors via 3 multiplexers. I attached a PDF image of my schematic (the full KiCad project is at https://github.com/DumpsterDoofus/keyboard_accordion). Could...