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    • E
      eryvh reacted to AndyA's post in the thread 3,3V to 5V for controlling stepper motor with Like Like.
      Or an N channel MOSFET, no resistor needed. That would invert the signal but that should be simple to cope with in code. But this is assuming the driver pullup is enabled, the diagram indicates that it's optional or switchable to a pull down.
    • E
      Thank you! I'll take a look at 74AHCT125, because I need more channels. Just to be sure - can I provide 5v from Teeny pin to these boosters?
    • E
      Hi everyone, I'm working on a project where I need to control a stepper motor driver using a Teensy 4.1. According to the driver datasheet (attached below), it requires a minimum of 5V input signals. However, the I/O pins on the Teensy 4.1...
      • 1732037356894.png
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