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    • Frankthetech
      Thanks AndyA, question the, &hex.addr, &hex.num, &hex.code are not declared, nor are process_hex_record, parse_hex_line what library am I missing that these come from?
    • Frankthetech
      I'm working on using this flasherX to remote update over Ethernet. I got the transfer of the hex file to the teensy4.1 working, but I not sure how to get the lines of hex into the buffer. Does the (flash_write_block) keep track of the address to...
    • Frankthetech
      AndyA, are you saying that including flasherX in my code should be enough to meet this check? Well that didn't seem to work for me. I had to use it somewhere in the code before it would work. Although that makes sense I'll check it again.
    • Frankthetech
      I know this is an older thread but I'm reading this to figure out how to do these updates to the 4.1. been working with the older 3.1. Anyway I noticed the issue about the flash ID and found it's necessary to use the ID in your code somewhere...
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