No, you can't use pins 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 for pots when the audio shield if connected.
Pins 14, 15, 16, 17, 22 can be used for pots. The "Vol" pin is just a capacitor and wire that goes to a place on the audio shield to add a thumbwheel pot.
If you need more than 5 pots, you have a few options.
Simplest is to use Teensy 4.1. It has 8 more pins for analog inputs.
If you're good with wiring, Teensy 4.0 has 4 more pins, but they're small pads on the bottom side which aren't so easy...
I've got the I2C communication working, here's a video showing the cycling through several preset values. The target values for the faders are 10, 1000, 500 and 550. Large and small steps were deliberately chosen to show the response.
I think...
Using a Teensy 3.6 to control 8 ALPS motorfaders:
L293B H-bridges are used to drive the motors. The fader wipers and touchtracks are connected directly to the Teensy. Each faders has it's own PID control using 12 bit PWM at 14648.437 Hz. The...
This is incredible! Thanks for sharing this! This my goal for a while now and yeah- this is the first teensy-based audio looper that can handle 8 tracks! That I've seen so far at least. I've only seen 1-2 track loopers. I'll let you know how it...