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    • H
      HackinSpock replied to the thread New Stepper Motor Library.
      Fair enough. I'll take a look at those libraries then.
    • H
      HackinSpock reacted to Col's post in the thread New Stepper Motor Library with Like Like.
      Also, you need to set the acceleration to a very large number to get little to no acceleration. Not zero.
    • H
      HackinSpock replied to the thread New Stepper Motor Library.
      The current issue is that by setting target positions one after the other and using the .move() function for a stepper group, the steppers accelerate and decelerate to a stop when the target is reached. Then the next target is sent and the...
    • H
      HackinSpock replied to the thread New Stepper Motor Library.
      After a bit of digging, I found an old thread between a user named BlueGene00 and Luni: https://github.com/luni64/TeensyStep/issues/139 BlueGene00 was doing the exact same project that I am doing, but I wasn't able to successfully contact him...
    • H
      HackinSpock replied to the thread New Stepper Motor Library.
      Hi there. I have a project where I need to transition smoothly between many target positions. I've currently been sending a group of x4 steppers to a specific amount of steps and would like to queue up the next set of positions for the steppers...
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