I have the latest UDEV rules for teensy, the same which you listed, and there are no other UDEV rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/. I think that these rules are correctly set.
My guess:
Someone took T3.6, made a product (?) out of it named Niteto...
Thank you Nantonos, but what it has to do with libmtp? See the two last lines of the log.
Maybe it does, because MTP shows these dialogs only after MIDI is enabled. A problem with teensyduino? A problem with libmtp? Whatever else?
Fortunately Teensy can be restored by using the button so I made some tests and it turned out that this:
void startup_early_hook() {
is already enough to freeze Teensy 3.6, even that it should work according to the documentation. Maybe...
I have a Teensy 3.6 project with some references to usbMIDI. When I select the port type Serial and comment out these references, the device connects properly as Serial. However, when I change the port type to Serial + MIDI, the device...
Would it work as a weak pull-up in 3.6? The wires have less than 10 cm.
digitalWrite(SCL, 1);
digitalWrite(SDA, 1);
edit: It got stranger, the above makes the workaround loop run twice each time, while
digitalWrite(SCL, 0)...
You may be right @mjs13, I assumed that 3.6 uses internal pull-up resistors on its I2C bus, just like 4.1 does. I'll add external ones and hopefully I won't need my suspicious workaround anymore.
I'll write tomorrow.
Ok just found a BNO085 from adafruit and hooked up to a Teensy 3.6 and used the latest Adafruit BNO08X library.
Setup was hooking up I2C via the QWIIC connector to wire using pins 18/19 and adafruit skethces worked with mods to either...
I am trying to use the Adafruit's BNO085 board, their library and a Teensy 3.6.
- directly after an upload in Arduino: works in 70%, in 30% shows "I2C address not found"
- if plugged into a power supply via USB: works in 100%
However, once it...