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    • J
      jaecexd reacted to palmerr's post in the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio with Like Like.
      I ran out and re-ordered the wrong CODECs. Waiting on the replacements to arrive. Hopefully this will be the final prototype and then I can start thinking about how to get them into people's hands. PCBA seems to be the best way as there's a...
    • J
      jaecexd replied to the thread Updated 8x8 and 16x16 audio.
      Hi, just wondering if there has been any progress on this? I am super eager to integrate this into a project I'm working on, the search for a working multichannel embedded audio solution has been almost completely fruitless except for the very...
    • J
      jaecexd replied to the thread Retroactive Midi Looper Crashing.
      Yeah, at one point the code was twice as long as it is now, with about half of it being debug logs and safety checks. It was fairly inconclusive, because the crashes were occuring before the logs could print most of the time. I've wrestled it for...
    • J
      I'm trying to develop a retroactive midi looper on the teensy 4.1 that basically listens for a clock signal and then starts recording all notes (played via an array of velocity sensitive hall-effect sensor key switches) into a circular buffer of...
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