It's mostly my fault.
In the early days Teensy 4 development and beta testing, many important libraries like SPI were written with fairly conservative goals. We needed broad compatibility with all Arduino libraries. But many other libraries...
Not sure it is doable...
The LPSPI clock speed is setup from the CCM tree and their is 4 choices for which starting speed as you can
see below:
void SPIClass::setClockDivider_noInline(uint32_t clk) {
// Again depreciated, but...
The SPI TCR register also has a prescale field that lets you divide the clock differently (up to 128) per transaction. So you can use different speeds for different devices on the same bus...
Good point about getting the weight distribution right before doing the programming. I did balance a yardstick on end using op-amps in college, but why have to tune the PID loop twice?
- Make the center of gravity as high as possible. As far as possible above the wheels. This may not be intuitive, but it is very important.
Try to balance a broom on your hand. You will find that it is much easier when the heavy part is on top.
@jmarsh - I am building the VGA R2R ladder for use with this sketch and wanted to make sure I understand the schematic.
This is my version of it only expanded:
/* R2R ladder:
* GROUND <------------- 536R ----*---- 270R -----*---------> VGA...
I'd like that feature to be able to use cables too!
(I also wonder what the SPI signals would "sound-like" if you lowered the clock to 1kHz and fed it to an audio amp...)
It seems to be working quite well now. I have 3 I2C devices and an SPI display on it. Turns out a megabyte of ram and 600MHz makes a big difference in how things run. Runs very smoothly. Like buttah. I appreciate the help.
That hardware compatibility check only works if the .elf file corresponding to the .hex file is present in the same folder, and only if the .elf file was built by gcc using settings similar to what's normally used with Arduino & Teensyduino. The...