it is my old code that these two sensors works together. old code:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MS5611.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include "LoRa_E32.h"
// Röle pinlerini tanımla
const int rolePin1 = 6;
const int rolePin2 = 7;
const int rolePin3 = 8...
Yes, I have worked with both of them before. Then I separated the mp6050 code to develop it and made the necessary updates. The same applies to the ms5611 code. Then I tried to combine it again but I couldn't. I am new to software. I am having a...
Hello all, I have a main code with ms5611 on Teensy 4.1. It's controlling a relay with ms5611 and LoRa module. I also created a code for mpu6050 4 axis relay control. I want to add mpu6050 code to the main code but I couldn't add. In this case I...
I have kept you very busy on this matter. Thank you very much indeed for your support. I am doing this project for the vertical landing rocket competition held in Turkey. I have completed the other parts of the circuit, only the LoRa part...
I just copy the teensy receiver code on message 14. The code is:
// i recommend putting this code in a .h file and including it
// from both the receiver and sender modules
// these are just dummy variables, replace with your own
struct DATA {...
Hello again, I installed the library first then, I made the pin connections. After that I tried these codes. Arduino sends data but teensy coulnd't get the data. Teensy serial port message is just 'Searching:'. I tried to change something but I...
One last question, in RF_Settings, is adress and channel values are correct? I thought adreeses will be 0 (teensy) and 1 (arduino). Channels will be 23.
Is there any chance you can share the pin connections on the Teensy and Arduino with me? In addition, if you have a sample code that you use for communication, that would be great for me. Best regards!
Thanks for your answer, I also tried 0 and 1 pins but it didn't change :(. I also adjust the lora channels and frequenciess by using RF_Settings software by EBYTE.
Here is the Teensy 4.1 code:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MS5611.h>
#include <SD.h>
// Röle pinlerini tanımla
int rolePin1 = 6; // X ekseni için röle 1
int rolePin2 = 7; // X ekseni için röle 2
int rolePin3 = 8; // Y ekseni için röle 3
Hi everyone,
Now, I am trying to make a project by using teensy 4.1 and arduino uno. I have my lora module is Ebyte E32 433T20D model. My purpose is when I push the button in the arduino uno, it will send signal to the teensy 4.1 and open the...
Yes, what you describe should be just fine. And, you are absolutely correct that the digital pins on a Teensy 4.x should never be subjected to any input voltage that is higher than 3.3VDC . . . damage will occur if 3.3VDC is...
Hello guys,
I am currently working on a project and I just new started to work on teensy. I wanted to ask a question. I have teensy 4.1 and it has two sensors these are: mpu6050 and ms5611. I have to connect a connector to the circuit and when...
Looks like Serial.begin() waits 2 seconds after called, when no Host connect? And is not required as Serial will come online as connect allows.
Teensy doesn't enter setup() until 300 ms
Returns from Serial.begin( at 2301 ms
Manually enabled USB...
Hello guys,
I have been working a project about rocketry system. I need help for the teensy code section.
Check to see if your code includes something like this
while (!Serial);
Comment it out and try again.
Otherwise, check to make sure your power supply (+5V) is adequate. If the teensy is resetting without the USB connected then it might be power...
It would be better to replace:
while (!Serial); // Seri bağlantının başlamasını bekle
while (!Serial && millis() < 3000);
That way the Teensy will wait for up to 3 seconds for the Serial Port to become available and then give up looking and...
hello here is the code:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MS5611.h>
#include <SD.h>
// Röle pinlerini tanımla
int rolePin1 = 6; // X ekseni için röle 1
int rolePin2 = 7; // X ekseni için röle 2
int rolePin3 = 8; // Y ekseni için röle 3
int rolePin4 =...
Like the previous comment said, you have while (!Serial); in your code (which even has a comment after it saying it will wait for the serial connection). It will wait forever at that line if there is no USB connection.