DrM, thanks wiring up the 100 ohm resistor.
answering your previous question
key objectives are
1. add ADC to get more pins. I need 4-8 more and my have to move to a 4.1 but I'm trying to keep the PCB as small as possible.
2. SPI...
OK this will be my last attempt at trying to get the MCP3564 working before I claim Microchip got the best of me :(
It was suggested trying this lib (its the 4 channel version of the 8-channel MCP3564). This person built a dev board with a...
Thanks for helping out, a better schematic is.
The author of the library has indicated the current code and apparently there are some issues with the library. It's been suggested I try a different lib. I considered writing my own but after...
yea, tried that, and the series resistors, nothing helps.
I looked at the low level spi call in the library where spi transfers are done and _spi->transfer returns 255
I really have no idea how to proceed.
I'm having issues getting a reading from my MCP3564 chip. I have tried 2 chips no luck. Anyone have this working and have wiring and some code?
I'm using the library https://github.com/nerdyscout/Arduino_MCP3x6x_Library
One person has chimed...
I have a Teensy 4.1 and I have a W25Q64JVSSIQ-ND soldered to the bottom (larger pads). If I run LittleFS, using the example LittleFS_Program_Simple_Datalogger.ino the chip is found and I can log some data to the chip.
I have written my own...
I have several applications that store user settings. I use the EEPROM all the time. I'm storing some 300 bytes and have never lost a bit.
Not sure what you are trying to write but EEPROM.put and EEPROM.get let's you write data, and these...
I realize this is a complete direction change, but I have a similar system where I can monitor garage door state (open/close) and I can remotely open/close it.
My method of monitoring is an ultrasonic distance sensor mounted near the top near...