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    • K
      KurtF reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Arduino : Downloading index with Like Like.
      By default, it downloads the indexes each time you start the IDE where the delta time is > timeout from the last download. It does not take 5 minutes to download the Teensy, it simply does not update the message from downloading the last index...
    • K
      KurtF replied to the thread Arduino : Downloading index.
      I have this problem too... but mine doesn't complete in 5 min. I found some guidance in an Arduino forum thread once to back-level Arduino IDE to 2.0.something to fix, but I just switch my selected board in Arduino IDE to COM3, which forces the...
    • K
      KurtF reacted to bdoan's post in the thread Arduino : Downloading index with Like Like.
      Why does Arduino repeatedly need to download the " package_teensy_index_json " If this index is only about 20K , why does it take 5 minutes to update in Arduino?
    • K
      KurtF reacted to MrCanvas's post in the thread SidMaster 2k, updated with Like Like.
      As this part of the forum isn't that busy, I'll post an update. Inspired by PositionHigh and other legends I made a remote UI application using webSerial. This was actually very easy since I already have a "display module" that communicates with...
    • K
      KurtF reacted to MrCanvas's post in the thread SidMaster 2k, updated with Like Like.
      Time to satisfy your retro cravings! I revisited this old project recently and did some well needed updates. It is a polysynth based on (real) commodore SID's. It accepts up to four of them and supports both 8580 and 6581 variants. Control is...
    • K
      Ok. I guess that blows my bad assumption that all UARTs are created equal. :) Correct, I am looking for high refresh rates of large LED displays (ie- cubes) from non-blocking writes to all 7 Serials in parallel (interleaved). On Teensy 4, I...
    • K
      In 7N1, I send 8-bit data with Serial1.write() but only the low 7 are significant. Serial hardware strips the high bit, then adds 1 start and 1 stop bit. The bytes I write are designed for the start/stop bits to result in a 9-bit 7N1 packet...
    • K
      Thanks, but I really need 7N1 for my app, and I was hoping to extend my app compatibility to Teensy 3.x. My app is an LED display driver, and 3 bits is a 'magic' number for LED input. Only true 7N1 lets me use 3 serial bits to pattern one LED...
    • K
      KurtF reacted to KenHahn's post in the thread Automatic mode has been disabled with Like Like.
      As MarkT already pointed out, that MOSFET is a 5V logical compatible device and not meant to work with 3.3V. It is barely turning on if being driven directly by the Teensy so it would be acting like a large resistor rather than a switch...
    • K
      I've snooped through the megamanual and can't find any reference to 7 bit mode (aka M7 flag on Teensy 4.x) or how to achieve 7N1 format on the 3.x hardware serial ports. I was wondering if anyone had knowledge/experience with this. For 7N1 on...
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