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    • L
      My apologies, I did not mean that not connected generally means ground, I just remembered that ont this board address pins were connected by default to ground, but it 's not the case, so both pins have to be connected. Also, bottom third pin on...
    • L
      From what I understand, setAddress() does not send anything to the board, it just tells that the object "cs42448" will use this address to communicate with the board (for enable, setvolume, etc.). So I set the address physically on the card (AD1...
    • L
      Hi AntiLoop, confirm to work here with two cs42448 boards and two I2C addresses. I had to add the pull-ups to get it to work. I have no data sheet, but on the schematic (found on the Chinese vendor site), I can see that SCA and SCL are connected...
    • L
      Hi AntiLoop, is all working with only one board and modified address ? Concerning I2C pull-ups, I could make the I2C connection work without, but as soon as I would add the TDM cables, they become mandatory.
    • L
      Hi! For the 3.3V, I thought of the one on the left row, did not try with the one in the Master Control pins. For the resistor, this is what is written in the data sheet: "In I²C Mode, SDA is a bidirectional da ta line. Data is clocked into and...
    • L
      Hi, I have several of these little codec boards, they work well! I planned to try two of them on a single Teensy, but havn't had the time yet, so I'm curious about your project. I found some docs about these boards. As you see, AD1 and AD0 from...
      • CS42448annoté.jpg
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