Awesome I'll take that as a win :)
Good luck with edits to refine the time sync'ing to high res.
If you like millis() for seconds ref - tied to GPS PPS - then looking at micros() you'll have seen the use of ARM_CLK to get time since last...
It is relevant to my project in the sens that I want to kill LTC. :)
The SMPTE standard doesn't (yet) support higher framerates than 30 fps (!); DF vs NDF is a dumpster fire of confusion and editors nightmares. Jam syncing is a pain in the ass...
Good idea! All I need to do is to predict when the next PPS pulse will arrive and generate whatever audio data I want for this moment.
The prediction is based on how much offset there was between the last pair of those events...
My first thought is that you can't get better than 22.7µs alignment, because of the basic 44.1kHz sample rate of the stock audio library. That would improve slightly to 10.4µs if you change the sample rate to 96kHz, which is non-trivial.
Let me give some more details: the FSK word I output doesn't contain any syncing section as opposed to the Manchester encoded SMPTE LTC signal (see Phil Rees description. note: eventually, I want to dislodge this standard and incite camera...
This is correct but more frequently the two files synced up are audio and video files... In the filming industry this is called dual system sound. Simultaneously recording a scene, you have one camera with its timecode generator and a separate...
Bonjour, I'm building a GPS based timecode generator with a T4. I already have a working solution with a SAMD21, outputting an analog audio signal that goes into the camera MIC input. But now I want an USB audio class device doing the same thing...
That’s what I meant by “slightly” :) I think the issue is:
oneBitAmplitude = np.abs(audioData)>1
as the count will miss samples with the values 0 and 1. In your post there’s an instance where it’s out by 2 samples, in fact… as it happens...
Thanks for your reflection about the[ ] size.
No, my script is spot on (give or take one sample), I verified, zooming in to the single sample:
And what mystifies me is the presence of those extra samples in the longer...
Bonjour à tous,
I'm using a T4 as an audio USB device plugged into a Mac. Planning to send audio BFSK data to a host (eventually, cellphones), I explored the awesome™ Teensy Audio library and played with AudioPlayQueue.
Curiously, the length of...
OK, thanks for the warnings, I'll then use teensy4/debug/printf.h and listen on Serial4 . And thanks for the "C" vs "C++" remark... it shows my noobness! :)
You want to be very careful doing that, since Serial itself is a USB device (relying on the usb.c code) and could easily cause a recursive loop or deadlock.
I'm trying to understand the data flow around AudioInputUSB, placing here and there some Serial.println().
I can use it in usb_audio.cpp but in usb.c I'm getting compilation error as Serial not being declared: which header file should I include...
Since the T4 is not connected as a serial device, how can I capture Teensy Serial.println() output on the CLI?
I tried to copy-paste the text from the Arduino IDE "Serial" monitor window but only the visible portion of the text is copied over...