FIR filters don't have to be linear-phase though - its not clear if there is a requirement for linear-phase, but the phrase real-time suggests its not such a priority? Partitioned convolution can give upto 0 sample latency if done the right way...
Which rather rules out the naive FFT/zeroing/IFFT approach as its not real-time, suggesting you require either a FIR filter (limited by performance as number of taps increases), or a filter done with fast convolution (partitioned convolution for...
For large numbers of FIR taps its best to use FFT based convolution - there are various threads here about this, I doubt there's a particularly simple one - try searching "partitioned convolution" perhaps?
Much higher so long as you have signals over a groundplane at a reasonable impedance, and you can add good (low inductance) decoupling to chips with SMT caps and low-value series resistors on datalines to reduce ringing.
Please give measurements in numbers, rather than "none in 3V3" - is this 0.00V, 0.0V, 0.1V ,0.5V? This level of detail is usually very revealing.
If its 0.1V or less I'd suspect a hard short somewhere, you have to find it and fix it - the...
And working on a breadboard its wise to stick to below 30MHz anyway - I never got anything digitls to work reliably above 40MHz in that environment (due to lots of parasitic impedances).
Magnetic field strength falls as the inverse-cube of the distance from a magnet, once far enough away for it to look like a dipole. To the best of our knowledge magnetic monopoles don't exist - if they did they would have an inverse-square law...
The MAX4466 is not low noise by any criterion, it has a whopping 80nV/√Hz, whereas a run-of-the-mill low noise opemp will get you to more like 4nV/√Hz, a full 26dB quieter. Just because the marketing department put "low noise" or "microphone...
The line out connections from the audio adapter are the correct ones to use - do not use the headphone output except for headphones/earphones, it needs to isolated from ground. With one speaker just use one channel, don't short them together.
Its a strong alkali. (NH4+/OH-), strong acids and bases have no place in electronics, they can permeate the PCB material and hang around for ages too, especially acids which liberate free protons that can diffuse through almost any material...