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    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3 with Like Like.
      When I tested, after installing 0.60.3 and restarting the IDE, first attempt to use the Ctrl-Shift-P immediately after restart IDE to run the security commands gives errors about Teensy not installed. But if I select Teensy from the drop-down...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to defragster's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3 with Like Like.
      Thx, Working now! > uninstalled 0.60.3 > Closed IDE > removed Teensy packages folder > Went into 'Staging' removed 'TEENSY*.*' Restarted IDE 2 installed 0.60.3 Restarted IDE 2 <REQUIRED> >> key.pem location: T:\T_Drive\tCode\key.pem >> Ran...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to vindar's post in the thread tgx: a 2D/3D graphics library for Teensy. with Like Like.
      Hi, I am just bumping this thread to let you know that I updated the library (by merging the "improved-drawing-primitives" branch)... There are a bunch of new features: Rewrote most of the 2D drawing methods (implying some API breaking...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3.
      @kd5rxt-mark gave me an idea. I deleted all things teensy from packages and staging and reinstalled 0.60.3 and then did a generate key and it started working. @defragster you might want to give it a try Generate Key and key location: Fuse...
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    • mjs513
      Or you may be having some memory trashing issue, like how much space is left for a stack? Taking a look at one of your Bitmap files, I see: // Generated by : ImageConverter 565 Online // Generated from : bluetooth2.jpg // Time generated : Wed...
    • mjs513
      Hard to test without the image files and how you have the image files defined. Nothing obvious strikes me.
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3.
      Unfortunate. Anyway doing the Ctrl-Shift-P route I now see: If I click on Generate Key, show key location and Step1 fuse write sketch, nothing happens. Am I missing something?
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    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3.
      Closed and restarted IDE 2.3.3 a couple of times but I am not seeing Teensy 4 Security on the tools menu. Either than or am still half asleep
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    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #3.
      Morning - still on first cup of coffee. Installed on Win 11 - IDE 2.3.3 no issues. Looks like Loader buttons are working again: Now to wake up some more and figure teensy-secure - been awhile since I last used it
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    • mjs513
      Yep. that only works for 1.8.19 for arduino IDE 2.3.x you need to add this to the boards list: for more detailed instructions check this page out: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread SD.remove() with Teensy 4.1 with Like Like.
      Might help to have more context, like source code? (Files example? ) How are you building it, on what, things like assuming Arduino, which version? What version of Teensyduino? Was SD,begin called? did it succeed? Are you using the SD on...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to defragster's post in the thread SD.remove() with Teensy 4.1 with Like Like.
      Quick edit to: ...\arduino-1.8.19\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD\examples\ReadWrite\ReadWrite.ino This example uses PJRC SD interface to SdFat. On a T_4.1 each time the example as included extends the file as the output here shows running...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      Sorry Paul - don't have a MAC to test with.
    • mjs513
      I believe that message is this one: bool JoystickController::hid_process_in_data(const Transfer_t *transfer) { uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)transfer->buffer; if (*buffer) report_id_ = *buffer; uint8_t cnt = transfer->length; if...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      I found a fix for the toolbar icons on Windows. But the missing toolbar on MacOS is a hard problem. Looks like Apple wants toolbars to appear on the right side of the title bar in new versions of MacOS. That's just not going to work for the...
    • mjs513
      Just to jump in here for a minute. With the Logitech Keyboards that I have tried I paired the dongle to the keyboard on the PC side first. Then I plugged the already paired dongle and keyboard into the USB host port. You can give that a try...
    • mjs513
      Sorry, not sure what to do at this point... More in @PaulStoffregen arena. We have seen a few strange devices. As for disconnect... Seen some strange ones. I think it was a tablet that @mjs513 and I debugged to try to make work. Don't...
    • mjs513
      I'm going to go with answers: no and probably not, but maybe. First, no, chips added to the bottom of Teensy 4.1 aren't ever accessed as EEPROM. They are used with LittleFS as a filesystem. Maybe that can be useful, but if you're expecting it...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensy.exe icon with Like Like.
      Just to add a bit more info, Teensy Loader is built using wxwidgets for all the GUI stuff. Internally these buttons are created from PNG files that get built into the code and converted to a wxwidgets abstraction class for images, and then used...
    • mjs513
      Why would you want to use this chip? It's slower and has less capacity than the 128mb flash chips that are usually used with a Teensy 4.1.
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensy.exe icon.
      Yeah a bunch of reports on the beta2 thread as well, here is one: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/teensyduino-1-60-beta-2.75922/post-350569
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      In my post #10 in this thread, my older MAC shows: Windows 11: Mine is like @mjs513, which I reported in post #9 on this thread. The First post I saw on it was at: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/teensy-exe-icon.75925/
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      With 2.3.3 on windows 11 If I click on the buttons they are active but looks mostly all greyed out. Cant remember if it was otherwise in previous revisions. EDIT: Checked IDE 1.8.19 and same thing
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    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Sorry, didn't see this question earlier. I mostly started from the conversation on issue #58, especially this message from Sep 20, 2023. which explains Arduino IDE 2.x is based on Theia is really just VS code internally. These are the links...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Another exciting moment on my 4th day of Typescript programming! Actually generated the fuse write code in IDE 2.3.2.
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Exciting moment here, using dankeboy36's suggestion, I was able to get a new window to open with code from a temporary folder! Arduino IDE is able to compile and upload it (unlike my failed attempt with vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider). Now...
    • mjs513
      Up at the moment but seems hit or miss when I get on
    • mjs513
      Looks like someone may be running a distributed denial of service attack. Or if there's some other nefarious purpose, difficult to know what it is. I cobbled together a couple fail2ban filters which are lightening the load, but the server is...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2 with Like Like.
      Installed both: IDE2 2.3.3 Was not clear if this was to add the new URL or to replace the current teensy URL.... I assumed replace. Sort of curious on why new URL? Minor side note: if you should update the picture on the Teensyduino install...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 replied to the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2.
      Just finished installing beta2 on 2.3.3 and 1.8.19. Downloads were fast! and both installed with no issues. Just starting day so will test more but first compile went well with warnings. And yet no message with 2.3.3 Fix erroneous "Teensy...
    • mjs513
      Two step process: a) comment out the two lines of code that have Serial.print still in there that have not been commented out. b) Ask the owner of the library (in this case me), to update the library... https://github.com/KurtE/ILI9488_t3 And in...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensy 4.0/4.1 Serial1.AttachCts with Like Like.
      🐕 :D I played with this some. Here are my modified sketches... void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(9600); Serial1.attachRts(27, true); Serial1.attachCts(32); delay(10); Serial1.clear(); delay(1000); }...
    • mjs513
      For the record, the QNEthernet library doesn’t have to use EventResponder or hook into yield(). In fact, that’s how it started out. The only thing that you need is to call Ethernet.loop() regularly. (And comment out the attachLoopToYield() call.)...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to BriComp's post in the thread Best Long Term speed for Teensy 3.5 with Like Like.
      Thanks for the explanation Paul and your input @mjs513. It's running in a large plastic box think A4 X 6" deep, so I will just keep going at 120MHz. I've got quite a large (>10) supply of T3.5 so that should satisfy the greater than 10Yr...
    • mjs513
      Going to have to say (3). Never really used it in long-term application. Usually only ran for a few hours continuously. Wish I could be of more help. Would assume that the max - non-overclock would be the best. But that's just a guess...
    • mjs513
      This is all great, and kudos as ever to @shawn for being a responsive library maintainer who works with "his" users to provide an incredibly high level of support for all abilities. For users at the level of @joepasquariello, who are prepared...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1 with Like Like.
      I haven't tried gcc 13.3. Maybe it will be smoother than the problems going from 5.4 to 11.3 (like constexpr contructor no longer giving static init), but at least for now I'm hoping to stay with gcc 11.3 and focus on merging audio library...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1 with Like Like.
      Sounds like a real PIA! I hate to ask a dumb question, but have you tried building using gcc 13? If so how bad did it fail? i.e. is it worth trying to migrate to something like gcc 13.3? FWIW - my limited use of my older Macbook pro (2013)...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1 with Like Like.
      I recently got a 2023 M2 Mac Mini running MacOS 15 (Sequoia). Until now I've done all MacOS work on a 2011 MacBook Pro running 10.7 (Lion) and a 2013 Trashcan Mac Pro running 10.14 (Mojave), which of course run very old versions of Apple's...
    • mjs513
      When you want to, removing a Teensy from a prototyping board can be a challenge. There is a temptation to lift it just from one end. DO NOT DO THIS. The Teensy will likely give way quickly and pins will probably be bent. As a better solution for...
    • mjs513
      The QNEthernet library doesn't override yield(). I hook into the EventResponder system's yield hook. Look for attachLoopToYield(). Below that code, however, is a commented-out example of how to call Ethernet.loop() from an overridden yield() on...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Arduino 2.3.3 has been released with Like Like.
      I don't believe there are a whole lot of changes since 2.3.2, but I had been running the daily builds. The only things changed since then were some changes for Mac and Translation files.
    • mjs513
      Could you try this fix to the SdFat library? Install in your libraries folder as usual, it should mask the one provided by Teensyduino. I need to take a look at other filesystems - I think it's any SD access, but the author embedded a yield()...
    • mjs513
      It works swimmingly now so far! Writes seems to do well at 4kb chunks so far. It took ~77ms to write ~360k data to a file. Thank you yet again for all your help and diligence on this!
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      I put it up there now as Dogbone_DB4_DB5.xlsx
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to KurtE's post in the thread Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true with Like Like.
      I pushed up whatever is currently in my Excel document to my fork/branch: https://github.com/KurtE/EVKB_1060/blob/main/docs/DogBoneSDRAMv1%20(version%201).xlsb.xlsx Here is an image of the other side: And the Mux page: EDIT: here is a pdf of it
    • mjs513
      You are probably right. Found that either way you would have to try it and see its effect.
    • mjs513
      Still experimenting with the touch library... Worst case scenario, I could simply use an existing library, but ... Currently if you specify an Interrupt pin, I will return false if I have not received an interrupt. However once I receive one...
    • mjs513
      I wondered about the colors. I have a different sketch that was using those colors, but did not find them in the header files... But when I clicked on it and asked to show me in sources it showed the same names... At the spot now in header file...
    • mjs513
      mjs513 reacted to defragster's post in the thread Teensy Qt with Like Like.
      PING ... still using this to great effect - no recent updates - it is still awesome. But hard to find in search so maybe this will help.
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