WOW this is VERY helpful. I had no idea about Adafruit and this chip. I would not have expected that from them. Maybe I did not read the product listing, but I believed it to be ESP. I am soo glad I asked and you responded. I have not...
Just to clarify, the parts that Adafruit sells are listed as generic and have the markings sanded off in their pictures. Their ESP datasheet is listed as a representative datasheet and they are probably not selling ESP brand parts now, though...
Does anyone know it this PSRAM will work. Seems Adafruit sells but it is made by ESP?
I *think* it is the same as the ESP chip on the pjrc site?
Just trying to...
Thanks for your reply. I want to build a microdexed, it is a synth type box. Would you happen to know, could I use the ethernet version without any changes or impacts or are the not compatible?