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      n9jcv replied to the thread PSRAM compatibility.
      WOW this is VERY helpful. I had no idea about Adafruit and this chip. I would not have expected that from them. Maybe I did not read the product listing, but I believed it to be ESP. I am soo glad I asked and you responded. I have not...
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      n9jcv reacted to KenHahn's post in the thread PSRAM compatibility with Like Like.
      Just to clarify, the parts that Adafruit sells are listed as generic and have the markings sanded off in their pictures. Their ESP datasheet is listed as a representative datasheet and they are probably not selling ESP brand parts now, though...
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      n9jcv replied to the thread PSRAM compatibility.
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      n9jcv reacted to PaulStoffregen's post in the thread PSRAM compatibility with Like Like.
      Should work, as ESP-PSRAM64H was tested.
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      Does anyone know it this PSRAM will work. Seems Adafruit sells but it is made by ESP? https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/adafruit-industries-llc/4677/13148775 I *think* it is the same as the ESP chip on the pjrc site? Just trying to...
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      n9jcv replied to the thread Teensy 4.1 NE stock.
      Thanks for your reply. I want to build a microdexed, it is a synth type box. Would you happen to know, could I use the ethernet version without any changes or impacts or are the not compatible?
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      Is there any estimate for when the Teensy 4.1 NE will be back in stock? Thanks
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