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    • P
      Hiya, that looks perfectly achievable with a teensy. Couple of things you asked about, that I thought I'd address, regarding the encoders and presets. If you look at the "KY40" type encoders, they're a mechanical encoder, with a push button...
    • P
      Paul Hesketh replied to the thread 7" display options.
      Yeah, viewing angle is certainly a little restricted, but as I'm just mounting flush in a 3U rack it's not much of an issue for me, and its no worse than a lot of other screens. Contrast and brightness seem fine, obviously dulled down in bright...
    • P
      Paul Hesketh replied to the thread 7" display options.
      Hiya, as an alternative: out of curiosity, I recently got a 7in crowpanel HMI touchscreen display, which is controlled by built-in esp32 chip that can be programmed with the arduino IDE. Just playing with it atm, but essentially I want to...
      • crowpanel with teensy.jpg
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