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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      OK, thanks, got it working, the bit depth and sample rate were incorrect. I've recorded a new piece at 16 bits and 44.1kHZ and all works fine, thanks for help :)
    • P
      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      Might be the sample rate of the recording device, I'll check that out. It needs to be 44.1 kHZ
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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      next part of query. The file SDTEST1.WAV from pjrc site loads and plays successfully. I have another file named PIANO.WAV on the SD card, which is a 1 minute long WAV file. It was created using a sound recording device. If I attempt to play it...
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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      OK, I have solved the problem, I found this forum link here It mentions that a solution was to use the SD formatter, link here I used the SD formatter to format my SDHC and it is now recognised. So the key takeaway for me is : USING THE...
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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      I resoldered some pins (7, 10, 12 & 14 ) as they're mentioned in the Teensy doc here for the audio Rev C with Teensy 3.6 Unfortunately it hasn't resolved the problem. I also tried the Teensy on board SD socket by commenting out // Use these...
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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      I'll try resoldering pins 7 (MOSI) and 14 (SCK) tomorrow, just in case of poor connection perhaps.
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      PaulKirk replied to the thread SD Card recognition problem.
      Thanks for reply. I tried the SD card in both sockets, the result is the same.
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      Hi, I have a Teensy 3.6 and audio shield. I’m using Arduino IDE 2.3.4 to do some initial tests. I watched the Teensy Audio Library Tutorial video on the Teensy site, which I found very useful. I uploaded the example sketch...
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